Thursday, March 3, 2011


Everyone who knows me knows that I love to read.

I love the smell of books--The distinction between old and new. I love the wear and tear appeal of old books, because I know that someone else has read and enjoyed what I am now reading. I love libraries.

For Christmas, my Dad got me a Kindle. I always said that if I ended up in New York City, I would get a Kindle because it's much easier to carry than a book, and a lot more convenient on the subways. Apparently they've become trendy. It seems like everyone in the City has one, but I understand why.

I wasn't sure I would like the Kindle because of what I stated above: I love books! I love paperbacks. It takes away from the beauty of printed word. But, I'll have to say it's pretty nifty. I can buy a book from anywhere in the world and have it delivered right in my hands. Call it laziness but sometimes I want to get a book so badly, but don't want to walk the 15 minutes it takes to get to the library/B&N. Books at my fingertips= amazing/scary at the same time. However, they have amazing sales. Some on books that I've never heard of, but am intrigued enough to buy and then I fall in love with them. I've gotten a few books for $5, one recently for 99cents. I am definitely one for bargains.
To sum it up: I love the Kindle. Yay Amazon.

On a completely unrelated note....

This girl is smart.

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