Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Two Months.

It's been a while.
Almost 2 months to be approximate.

Life is good.
I celebrated my one year anniversary of being a pediatric cancer nurse yesterday.
By celebrated, I mean: Looked at my phone around 8pm, noticed the date and said:  "Oh my, it's my one year anniversary of work!" and carried on.

The past two months:
I got a pass to ski at Powder Mountain.  I've skied there only twice so far, but I WILL break even by season's end!
Speaking of which, I skied for the first time by myself yesterday.
Pro:  It was fun to explore a mountain by myself.  Con: It was kind of lonely, and I learned I prefer skiing with a buddy (or multiple).

I skied Brighton once with my friend Kristen from work.  It was such an epically beautiful day to ski.  I felt like I was in a dream, or a winter wonderland the entire time.

I went climbing for the first time at a climbing gym this past weekend.  My body is almost done recovering.  Can we say full body workout?!  Also, I'd like to think I'm not afraid of heights but for some reason fear kicked into full gear up there.  Such a fun experience, though.  I think Jenny and Daysha are onto something with starting a Girls' Climbing Club.

I've been sleeping a lot, cooking less, and listening to podcasts more often.
I've been enjoying time alone and quiet.
Sometimes it's lonely, but life goes on.
I love my new friends, and old as well.
My dad got engaged - I tell people this and many wonder "how I feel" about it...I'm so happy for him!
I love Chris (his fiancee) and I am happy that they found a life with each other.  
I just hope they come visit me this summer....because I miss them!

And let's be honest, the mountains are my playground...
And I absolutely LOVE it, and I am so lucky I live here!!!