Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Not having a life.

I'm stuck.
No license, still.
I don't really know what to do.
I sit home all day.
I don't really have a lot of friends here (who am I kidding, I have one).
I'm not complaining, but I figured I'd let you know what I'm doing with my life as an unemployed, college graduate. Via a list.

1. I'm reading a lot. "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" is sitting next to me right now. I'm almost done with the Hunger Games series. I visit the library at least once a week.

2. I cleaned my apartment. I haven't decided yet whether it's out of pure boredom or simply because this is MY apartment now and I want it to look nice. I'm hoping it's the latter. I also made my bed for the first time (in years) yesterday. I should have taken a picture on this glorious, rare occasion.

3. I'm walking a lot. I figure that will save on subway costs. I walked from church (66th and Columbus Ave) all the way to home (38th and 3rd Ave). A 45 minute walk, almost 3 miles. It was nice to talk to my Mom on the phone. She's crazy but I love her.

4. Talking to my Grandma. This takes up a lot of time. Usually it takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Grandma is lonely like me, apparently. She loves to talk. I need to go visit her soon. I have no excuse not to, considering it's only a 35-40 minute train ride. Maybe I'll bring her some food.

5. Doing nonsense things with Kevin. That is all I have to say about that.

6. Netflix just arrived. Hello, Summer Heights High Season one and "Youth in Revolt"...Honestly, I have no interest in seeing the movie, but I read the book so I feel it's necessary. Book nerd = me.

7. Avoiding grocery shopping. Success.

8. Finishing up Season 2 of Dexter, only to realize that Season 3 is no longer available for Instant Play on Netflix.com. Which means, I will be quickly finishing these DVDs that I currently have.

9. Checking my mailbox. Yes, it's one of my pleasures of the day.

10. Sleeping/laying in bed. I guess buying my first mattress as a grown-up was a good investment, I'm definitely making the most of it.

I'll add to the list if I remember what else I'm doing. But, this list is basically what my life revolves around at the time. Pretty sad.

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