Monday, May 27, 2013

Books, Cats and Rain.

Today was not a cold, gloomy day...But I came across this today and was like, "This is totally me".  

It rarely rains here and I love rain.

I love cats (most of the time).  They can be good company.

I love books too.

The other day, my coworker and I have a conversation as follows:

Coworker:  Amy, you're not married so you don't cook much do you?  Here, you should bring this ramen home...Gotta take what you can get.
Me:  Sure as hell I don't.  That's a good idea probably.
Coworker:  I can just see you coming in to work twenty years from now proudly bringing in your family Christmas photo:  Just you and twenty cats. 

I laughed all day long.

I told some of my coworkers who were like "Amy, it's okay, he can just be too honest sometimes."

What they don't comprehend is that unlike the majority of Utahns, I love people that are blunt and silly. 

 It makes me happy inside.

So what you can get from this is:

Don't take life too seriously,

Books and cats are your friends,

And rain is awesome.

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