Saturday, September 26, 2009

I don't.

I don't want to sleep and it's 2:18am and I have church in the morning. Is this bad news? Yes. Is this my third post for today? Yes.
I just went for a drive at 1:00am so I could listen to music. It was peaceful. It was raining.

I found a journal at my dad's to add to my collection of journals (I'm currently in the process of keeping them all in one place so I can one day give them to my future family).....It was from 1995, when I was in 2nd grade. I read it and it made me smile so much. I loved life. I still do, but I really had so much pure, innocent happiness in my heart then. I got pleasure out of the simplest of things...Like assemblies, two hour delays, going to the bookstore (some things never change).

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