Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Very Superstitious....Writing's on the Wall

I'll give you a million dollars if you know who sings the song referenced in my title. Way easy. And by a million dollars, well, that's code word for a hug. Virtual hug because I'm too lazy to get up and out of my apartment to give you one. Unless you want to come visit.

The topic today is superstition.

A certain thing hasn't been working out for me for the past two months (ahem, getting my nursing license from the state of New York). Everything that could go wrong, has. I've had to turn down a job that started at the end of September, and with my job fastly approaching in 19 days, I am anxiously awaiting and calling the board of nursing every single day. Yesterday I cried on the phone to them. They made me resend an application all over again. Let me reiterate, my job starts in 19 days. Let me restate: Everything is going wrong.

I've been looking at my predicament and thinking, "Maybe this is meant to be. Maybe this is happening for a reason. Maybe I'm not supposed to be here." I've been called superstitious. But these chains of events are freaking me out. What does this all MEAN?!!? Probably that I'm going crazy.

I've been toying with the idea of going back to school possibly. Seriously, Amy? Like, you told yourself you would never, ever go back to school. Well, the real world disease kicked in and the only cure for it is more education. I did some casual research yesterday and turns out, I have to take my GRE's. Good thing I have no idea what the GRE exam entails. As I'm walking out of my apartment this morning, there was a box of free stuff left by another tenant. On the top of the pile of stuff was a large book: "Taking Your GRE's" (a $40 value, I may add). I picked it up, never one to turn down a bargain, and then realized what a coincidence this was. Wasn't I just thinking about going back to school? Scary.

I've also been thinking, what if I don't get this job? I'll have no money, I'll be homeless. I may not be able to afford this apartment, and the next job orientation would be for the end of November. I wake up this morning to a message from my cousin telling me she's looking for a place to live in the winter. Another weird.

My dad told me, I'll know when it's right. To not take a job unless I'm absolutely happy with it. What is this telling me? I need to seriously pray.

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