Wednesday, August 26, 2009

live it

I'm still getting used to living here in Hershey again. I just miss being busy all the time with things other than class and schoolwork...I think I'd pick working over this just because 1) I earn money and 2) No having to worry about reading, clinical outlines, lectures, careplans, and the list goes on. It seems like I'm going to have a rough semester as far as workload goes. Ah, isn't senior year supposed to be easy?

My roommates all come from very different backgrounds. I have a feeling I won't be very close to them in contrast to last years' roommates, but oh well. I think I'll be gone most weekends anyway if things go as planned....I'm praying that they do, I don't want it to be any other way.

I go to Utah in 6 days...I'm very excited. I kind of maybe miss a certain someone there that I'm going to see and we're going to have lots of fun, like always!

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