Monday, October 22, 2012


I haven't posted lately.  My life hasn't been all that exciting.

I watched "A Little Bit of Heaven" last night.  Kate Hudson is in it.
Never watch that movie, ever...Unless you want to cry your eyes out -  I did.  I usually wait post-movie to cry.  In this case, I was peeing on the toilet (TMI I know) and just started bawling.  It was a humbling moment. I woke up with tissues surrounding me in my bed.  

I carved pumpkins with Burt, Megan, Sherra and Tommy last night.  
I think it's safe to say Burt and I made the coolest pumpkin carving ever (even if he carved more than I did).  This pumpkin is sitting outside of my apartment door.  If anyone smashes it, they are done for.  And I'm starting to feel like I live in the projects -  There is a baby crying upstairs all the time and a couple screaming at each other in expletives that shouldn't be written on a blog.  (Don't worry mom and dad, everything is fine!!  Until my pumpkin gets smashed...)
We also watched The Breakfast Club.  Easily one of my favorite movies of all time.  I just love how intense and raw it is, and it's set in one place, during one morning. (Don't laugh at me)

Let's take a moment to love on this video.  I'm secretly hoping that someone else will have this song stuck in their head and showing up in their dreams even a year after watching it....

I miss my family and my niece a lot.

I also didn't get my first choice of a job...This is the second time I'm telling anyone.  If I tell it to someone, why not just tell it to the blogging world?  (or the two that actually read my posts).

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