Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blog Giveaways? I win.

So this other time, I won a blog giveaway.
Pretty sure it was my first blog giveaway that I entered...Maybe second. 
But I won a bunch of goodies from the Houston Blogger Symposium and I'm happy!

The e-mail's timing couldn't have been better:
I'm sitting at a job interview, sweating, heart racing, impulsively checking my email/twitter/instagram so I could calm down.  And then I see a "congratulations!!" e-mail saying I won a cool bag of stuff and I thought "this could be my lucky day!!"

Verdict is still out on whether I got the job or not, but it was definitely not a disaster of an interview (thank goodness).
Actually, it was probably one of my best.
(Thanks Burt for mock-interviewing me.  I told you they would never ask about management ideals, and they did, so thanks for adding the word "micromanagement" to my vocabulary last night).

Anyway, the girl (She has a name! Megan)/blog that hosted the giveaway is probably one of my favorites.
Here's her site: Greetings From Texas!
She's a cancer survivor, owns a VISZLA (just like Taz!!!!), just adopted a baby and the middle name is in homage to Jay-Z...I could go on and on.
*I actually won it through the Houston Blogger Symposium site.  She organized that herself too.  Pretty cool in my book.*

Excuse my grammar in this post, but I had to wake up at 8:45am today and everyone who knows me knows how BRUTAL that was for me.

So, more updates on my real life later.  Bye for now!

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