Thursday, April 11, 2013

Silver Linings & 25.

Have you seen the movie "Silver Linings Playbook"?  If not, you should watch it.
I'm reading the book now.  Anyone who knows me knows that (and I'm not kidding) I have a serious issue with not watching a movie unless I've read the book first.
I did NOT know this was a book.  But I loved the movie so much that I did it backwards; I'm now reading the novel post-movie watching.
Also, anyone who knows me knows that I have serious anxiety with comparing books to movies - I get scared to watch ANY movie that I have read the book prior-to, because 99% of the time it disappoints me and I'm shaking my head the whole entire time.
So far, I'm liking the movie better than the novel.  Cray, huh? (typo and it stays)

I'm going to incorporate two quotes I love from this movie/novel with the rest of this post.
(quotes in italics)

I am a twenty-five year old lady as of April sixth at approximately 3pm eastern time.  
But I prefer the term "quarter of a century" - It just make me sound way more distinguished.  Like I've acquired more wisdom, or something like that.
Or it could mean that I'm coming onto a quarter-life crisis, but let's hope I don't live until 100 (unless I'm super healthy and have cute great-great grandchildren).

Anyway, I think those older than I have been right about birthdays - It was really just another day for me.  I spent it with my best friend and we decided to be adventurous and go to the Tavernacle downtown.  I'm always down for dueling piano entertainment.  I guess all you really need is one best friend and it's a party!

I could go into a whole post about who I am, where I was compared to last year, but I feel like I've done quite a few reflection posts so you 2 faithful readers know where I am in life. 

"Have you ever noticed that life is like a series of movies?....Well, you have adventures.  All start out with troubles, but then you admit your problems and become a better person by working really hard, which is what fertilizes the happy ending and allows it to bloom."

 I am content.  I think that's one way to describe it.  I'm ready to work toward the next milestone; The next "movie" in life. Whether it be far or soon, I know I really want a family of my own-  Don't fret, don't freak out by that statement..But everyday I will try to better myself to prepare for that one day when I will be a wife and mom.  
An example of my working towards this goal right now incase you're confused/think I'm crazy:  My job.  Not only because it's a career and I am financially stable, but because I'm working with sweet, sweet chillens that test my patience sometimes.  And I guess you could look at my coworkers as my future spouses -  Like all coworkers, they can get on your nerves, but every day you still have to work together through it side by side right?!  Bad analogy, I know.
Side note:  I like to call my patients my "Chillens". It's just my thing.

"...and we talk(ed) about my love of clouds and how most people lose the ability to see silver linings even though they are always there above us almost every day."

It's hard to find sometimes, but there are silver linings every single day of our lives.  It's hard to look for them when life gets hard, but they are there.  Especially in the future.  Have hope and know you can look forward to the future silver linings  that you will find-  
That's what I will do for my twenty-fifth year on this earth.

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