Saturday, August 25, 2012

Utah, Mexico, Olympics.

This was written a few weeks ago - I am so lazy.

Well, it's been forever.
I am home from so, so many adventures.
So many that I don't even think I have the energy to post about because I'm in lazy mode..But I'll try my best.
In three words this is what happened:  Utah, Mexico, Olympics.
Okay, maybe I didn't go to the Olympics...But I pretend I'm there every night.  I am basically a part of the gymnastics team in my dreams every night.

Utah: Amazing....I got to spend it with such amazing people.  Seriously, some of the most amazing people I've met in my life..I say amazing too much, I know.  I guess pictures will suffice.
I climbed a freaking mountain (literally, Mount Timpanogos) to get to this cave with Hilary, Cassie and Chase.  Was it worth it?  Yes. Will I probably go back so I can go "caving" and learn how to be a real cave-woman?  Most likely.

Burt's band had a reunion.  This picture may not be HQ (high quality y'all) but it was amazing.  Above and beyond good.

I went to a zoo with Sherra and her Gunnison friends, and then an aquarium with Cass, Sherra and Brittany.  I have decided that zoos and aquariums are very amazing, albeit zoo-wise not in 90+ degree weather.  P.S.  I saw a polar bear and seals.  I love polar bears and seals.

This is Burt and I out and about in Salt Lake.  He's sweet :)

Mexico:  Burt and I went to Puerto Vallarta.  Sun, relaxing, zip lining (absolutely amazing/the heights we got up to were astounding), snorkeling, getting hit up by vendors/drug dealers.  Pretty sure we were the only English speaking people on our resort.  It was weird being a minority for a few days.  Overall, it was just what I needed.  Absolutely.

This was our view from our dinner table.  Absolutely perfect.

This was from the early morning we went snorkeling and to this tiny island which's name escapes me.  Dang it.

Remember how I said drug dealers hounded us?  Well we found a marijuana plant, and as advertised: "You don't need prescription!".  My past patients would have had a heyday.   (we don't condone weed btw).

Olympics:  Well, let's just say I was glued to the TV every single night.  Didn't miss one night.  And I screamed, cheered, and cried along with them as the National Anthem was playing as the athletes won their medals.  Gymnastics, swimming, diving (especially synchronized diving).  I have a confession to make: I had a crush on Ryan Lochte initially.  And then, I saw this video -


On that note, bye everybody!!

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