Saturday, March 14, 2009


I haven't written in a while.
Life's been busy.
I went to Utah to go skiing and visit friends. It was pure amazingness.
Now I'm home, and I just feel mentally terrible.
Like...Hopeless. I really need to rely on the Lord for this, but sometimes I just wonder why this happens to me. I would never wish it upon anyone. It's indescribable, really.
I'm stuck in a rut. But eh, what can you do?
I am kind of looking forward to school to have something to keep me busy.
Oh, and I have an interview next Monday at Lenox Hill in Manhattan. That's kind of exciting. I'm more nervous about finding the place than I am the interview, but I'm sure that will change over time and I'll be freaking out over both, then it will be trouble. I really am banking on getting it though; Otherwise I will have no idea what to do with my summer. That will be bad.

Anyway. I kind of feel like crap, talk to everyone later.

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