If this isn't suburbia, I don't know what is.
I'm listening to The Civil Wars right now. If you haven't heard them, check them out. Their music is mellow/intense/haunting/beautiful. I seldom buy albums online, but this was $6 well spent. They vaguely remind me of the Damien Rice/Lisa Hannigan duo.
My last day of work was bittersweet. It ended up being on Sunday, the day of the apocalyptic hurricane Irene that was not apocalyptic at all minus the fact that every single business was closed for the hurricane. Manhattan was like a ghost town, I had never seen it like that before. It took me 15 minutes to get a cab to work on a silent Sunday. I ended up sharing a cab with a guy who thought it was necessary to play his slow jams on his cell phone for everyone to hear. I'm just thankful I got a taxi and made it on time to work, and for the free breakfast that awaited me. I love getting food for free. It was such a relaxing last day of work. It was the funniest thing though, seeing everyone who had spent the whole weekend there. I called it the Lenox Hill slumber party. At around 4pm, the night shifters were walking around in their pajamas (some oddly mismatched). I feel like I got to know them by what they chose to wear as their PJs. It was hilarious. Robes, cartoon PJ pants, oh the list goes on. It was so cute, too -- The girls made a hospital room into their own 'bedroom'. They slept on the hospital beds, 3 beds to a room. It was oddly home-y looking.
I will really miss everyone. I got to go out to dinner after with some of the "young" girls from work, and it was a really nice way to leave. As awkward as I felt first starting work there, I really got to know and love a lot of my coworkers. Most of them were so helpful.
I no longer live in Zoo 210 (our loving nickname for the apartment building), THANK GOODNESS. Jackson came for the weekend -- I thanked my lucky stars that his flight got cancelled on Sunday night because he ended up staying until Tuesday, the day that I officially moved out. How lucky I am that he wasn't afraid to get on his hands and knees and clean that place. I swore that if I had to clean up mice droppings I would puke. He cleaned everything. He's a keeper for sure.
One last song -- I can't help myself.
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