Excuse my blog. I try to design it and be creative...Instant fail. I tried! I give up! So frustrating. I'm leaving anything web-related up to Jackson. I'm a nerd in different ways...Reading, anything health-related, and an app on my phone called Tiny Towers. That's it.
What have I been doing since I've been home/unemployed?
Sleeping in until 12 or 1pm everyday.
And I get to sleep next to this guy every night...I have to wake him up when I do; He's lazy too. He has about half my bed and his own pillow to sleep on. What a baby.
Going bowling with my sister, brother, and mom and getting the lowest score each round. In my world, the lower the better.

Can you guess which score is mine? ...Hoping that you don't catch on that my name is the only one starting with an A, and that you can't read the number 33.
Being a "Lake Bum" (as Jackson lovingly refers to me as)...I can't help it. I'm in love with lakes, boats and doing nothing!
And apparently I'm easy to make friends with. Especially little kid friends. My brother thought this was really funny.
Driving occasionally. Dropping off my brother to his girlfriend's, (he is nice enough to let me 'borrow' my old car..), Wal Mart, late night Taco Bell runs, etc.

Evidence that my brother is nice enough to leave me notes at 12pm (I was sleeping) to let me know he is taking the car. And he still says Love you....The best 16-going-on-17 year old brother ever.
I just got done uploading so many amazing pictures from my summer/NYC that I haven't gotten to share yet. This will happen soon. Maybe I should start packing. Official fly-out date: Saturday, September 10th. Yep, that's in 4 days. I better get started.
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