Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hope finds a way.

I'm avoiding studying at all costs.
It's been a while since I've posted about my student nurse experiences. Case of the seniors. However, right now I feel inclined to do so.
Once this semester, each of us in pediatrics gets to do a rotation in the specialty clinics. Today was my day. I was excited only because I didn't have to go in until 8am.
I was placed in the pediatric cancer specialty clinic, an outpatient clinic where kids go to get spinal taps, chemotherapy, infusions. There, I saw hope. I saw little kids with leukemia and cancer walking around with big smiles on their faces. They were the bravest little ones I've ever seen in my life. I saw their parents, carrying binders and folders filled with information, medication lists, blood counts. It was one big family, that clinic.
We can't say our lives are hard until we see these children and the optimism they carry with them. They light up a room with their big hearts, full of hope.

I saw a note on the bulletin board by a 7 year old girl. It said:
"Today is my last day of chemo, halleluia!! Now I don't have to go to the doctors for 3 months. I'll miss you." She listed all of her nurses and doctors who took care of her in a big heart.

My first two years of college, I was heavily involved in THON, a 46 hour no sitting, no sleeping dance marathon for these children with cancer at Hershey Medical center. Last year alone, they raised $7.5 million for the kids. Each year that number rises. THON is a schoolwide, year round ordeal at Penn State. It is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world. These children treat THON like Christmas...They get to play with other kids who have the same struggles, and with cool college kids. Today, I saw what their lives were like. I will always remember today.

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