Wednesday, November 11, 2009

flying kites.

I honestly don't remember ever flying a kite when I was little. I remember having one, just not the flying part.
I read the book "The Kite Runner" about 5 years ago. It was a beach-read, I remember really liking it though. I finally got around to watching the movie adaptation tonight. I was blown away by it. I think it's my favorite movie adaptation of all time, but this could be because I haven't read the book in so long so don't hold me to it. I don't have much patience for movies anymore and this was all in subtitles, but I just loved it. I love history, different cultures, crying. So this movie was for me. I very much recommend it.

This is a poem from the movie that I absolutely loved.

Who Are We In This Complicated World?

If we come to sleep,

We are His drowsy ones.

And if we come to wake

We are in His hands.

If we come to weeping,

We are His cloud full of raindrops.

And if we come to laughing,

We are His lightning in that moment.

If we come to anger and battle,

It is the reflection of His wrath.

And if we come to peace and pardon,

It is the reflection of His love.

Who are we in this complicated world?

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