Monday, August 31, 2009

filled journals.

I love writing in a journal. I think if I could have one thing from my grandma or mom, it would be a journal she could hand to me from when she was my age. But, neither of them kept a journal. I'm not only keeping it for myself to look back on (some entries are pretty entertaining), but for my future kids/grandkids to read and know what was going on in my head.

I haven't written anything super-spiritual in a while, so I figured I would just copy an entry I wrote in my recently filled journal. I was looking back on this summer and my thoughts while I was in New York, travelogue style and spiritual. This is probably my favorite spiritual entry.

May 25th, 2009
"It's so cool to think about the pre-existence.
I signed up for this life.
I knew I would face some hard trials, especially since I was chosen for this time and generation.
I felt prepared to be a woman on this Earth.
I so much desired this life and this chance I was given. I was grateful for the opportunity to live.
What's amazing about that is that we ALL have that courage/strength inside of us. It's what pushed all of us to make the decision to live on this earth. We dove in head first into the great unknown, maybe scared but mostly grateful.
It's beautiful to think that I have cute little spirit children up there waiting to do the same thing. I already love them for their courage.
So, since all people on this earth made the decision to be here, then there is SUCH great potential and strength in each of us. After all, we all made that HUGE first step.
That thought makes me happy. We all have equal potential. Also for some reason today, I am SO happy I'm a woman. As hard as it is sometimes, I think it is such a blessing during this day and age."

1 comment:

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

Very true! Loved it! i don't like to Journal, like at all.