I went to Vermont this weekend and had the absolute best time EVER. I don't know if it's because I have been cooped up in a City for the past 3 months, but spending a few days in the wilderness was amazing, and the people I spent it with made it all the more wonderful. Last minute, Randy invited me on a trip to Vermont with his brother and sister in law. It was a long trip, but we made it to his brother's friend's house pretty quickly Thursday night. They live in this adorable home in the middle of nowhere in Vermont. I fell in love with their kids, Lana and Luke. Lana is 6 and Luke is 3. They made me wish I was a preschool teacher, or kindergarten..Either one. Me and Luke bonded. Randy was teasing him all weekend by saying, "Luke...I am your father." Luke got a kick out of that. Everytime he came in to wake all of us up, he whispered, "I am your FATHER!!" Ha.
Friday...We went on a tour of the water holes around town. First, we went cliff jumping. It was tons of fun. The boys may have been more adventurous, but I sure felt really brave jumping off a huge cliff. Next, we went to a natural waterslide. It seriously was a blast...I at first wasn't going to go because the water was FREEZING, but I'm so glad I did it. Then, we went to a marble quarry that filled up with water. I stayed out of that one and hung out with the girls. It was a lot of driving overall to get to all these places, but it was worth it.
THEN we went four wheeling. OKAY Randy was the best driver ever...We went on so many jumps, I'm super sore. But it was so worth it. Afterwards, we played Wii all night. Me and Randy rocked it. We make a good team.
Saturday, we went to Spring Lake, a lake filled with all natural spring water. It was pretty neat, but it was a little chilly. I loved laying out. We went to breakfast at this famous place called Sugar and Spice and I had amazing pancakes. At night, we played American Idol karaoke. I seriously don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my entire life.
Sunday we made it back to the city in 7 hours. Ugh it was a long trip. Randy's family went home. I guess I won't be laughing 24/7 anymore from his brother, but Randy does a good job of making me laugh all the time so it's all okay.
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