Thursday, May 14, 2009


A lot of family things have been happening with me lately.
On Monday night, I had an encounter with the police and had to talk to them about things that have happened. I won't go into details because it's quite disturbing, but I'm so unhappy with the way the police handled the situation, especially the State Troopers. I was clearly crying and upset, and they were trying to justify the situation I was in. I was the victim. In no way was what the family member did justifiable. It was appalling. It made me never want to turn to the police again for help.
Maybe I don't understand because I am a compassionate person. I'm so happy I have that quality, because observing and interacting with people who don't is so hurtful. I'm so happy I'm becoming a nurse and (hopefully) surrounding myself with other compassionate and empathetic people. I really don't understand how someone can have no feelings or hide them from the world. Mark my words, I will never marry a person like that.
Now, I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon and say "F the Police" because first I've never had a run-in with them, and second I like to give everyone a chance. But what a bad impression they've left on me.

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