JK I have all the time in the world, but I'm so exhausted.
Just moved in yesterday...The apartment is so cute and cozy thanks to my roommate's stylish furniture and it's a newly renovated apartment. My room is the size of a closet, but it works. It's ghetto because I have an air mattress but I love it. I made friends with the cat that lives in the window across from me. We have staring contests.
I live 2 blocks from Times Square, and there was a food festival RIGHT outside of my apartment yesterday and today. I had food from Argentina, Brazil, Louisiana, Greece. I tried Alligator sausage and crawfish for the first time. And Mozzarepas...They're a New York thing I guess. It's 2 pieces of cornbread with mozzerella in the middle. SO DELICIOUS.
Last night I waited outside of my apartment in one spot with my mom and sister waiting for a tow truck to come. It was terrible. AAA service is horrible here. During my 8:30pm-1:30 am sit on the stoop, I've come to realize that my neighborhood consists mostly of young, white gay males who look better than I do 100% of the time. Operation me finding a guy looks very slim.
Tonight I went to a "Bishop's Breakfast". Our bishop invited all of us newcomers over to his apartment in Morningside and cooked us amaaaazing crepes, waffles, and pancakes. There was so much fruit, whipped cream goodness. Free food= amazing food. His apartment was HUGE (compared to mine, hahaha maybe it's from my perspective). There was a trampoline in his living room for his kids. Um Hi, I want one. There are a lot of nice, normal people in the ward that I get along with. YAy.
1 comment:
Sounds like an eventful weekend. Why is it that the best looking guys are always gay?
I visited main campus today; it was so much fun!
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