I have major insomnia problems. Well, I have been having some the past few days. This weekend has been absolutely crazy. I've been going to bed at 4 am every night. Going out Friday night (mormon style) killed me.
I went on a harbor cruise last night. It was so much fun! There were hundreds of LDS people on this boat, I loved it! They played some awesome music and I got to bring my dance moves to the floor and see NYC on the beautiful Hudson River. I have an amazing picture of the Statue of Liberty during the sunset that I'll put up tomorrow!
It's 2:54am...Today, I churched it, helped Lauren move yet again to another apartment, and then had a "get together" at my apartment since my roommates aren't home. We watched the MTV movie awards and baked some brownies. It was a blast. It was me, Bethany, Lauren and Cameron.
Anyway, that's my update!
Miss you all!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
So today, I've been feeling really classy.
Why, you say?
Well, earlier I dressed up to go to a Polo Match. Yes, polo! It was so awesome. The best part about it though was Prince Harry was playing. He is gorgeous in person. Sigh times a million. It was so classy though, I loved it! Oh, and not to mention FREE. It was on governor's island, which is basically the cutest tiny island I've ever seen (in America, New York specifically).
Tonight, I'm going on a stake YSA harbor cruise. I really can't wait, I love meeting new people (boys? haha I wish).
Oh, and last night was pretty crazy. My friend Lauren and I went to Brooklyn to go visit one of her friends that's on the radio station with her. It ended up taking an hour there and back on the metro. We got back at 4am. UGH. We always get ourselves into the most CRAZY situations. We have amazing experiences, though. Already, I know I'll never forget this summer.
Current song constantly in my head:
'Change' --Taylor Swift
'Cause these things will change ,
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down.
It's a revolution
The time will come for us to finally win ,
& we'll sing hallelujah <3
Can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down.
It's a revolution
The time will come for us to finally win ,
& we'll sing hallelujah <3
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Boys, boys boys.
I asked a boy if he wants to hang out tomorrow night and he flat out tells me he has a date tomorrow. Well..Here's the thing. Me and this guy went on a few dates back in the day and I really liked him. And then he tells me that. Would you be mad? Okay, he's just not that into me. I need to fall asleep to an iPod recording of "He's just not that into you" over and over and over again. I feel like I try to hard; I need to calm it down and just wait. But gosh, I'm so impatient.
So that's me complaining about boys. I try not to do that a lot on here. But slap in the FACEeeee.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
infatuation? NO
It's past infatuation, ladies and gentlemen. I do declare that I am in love with the City of New York. Maybe it's puppy love, but there's no better feeling than walking down the streets of New York every night to my apartment. I feel safe because there are so many cops around. I got hit on by a FDNY firefighter today. I love reading my book on the subway, and taking the subway. There is always something to be doing or watching.
I've become attached at the hip with my friend Lauren. I love her; She's a doll and a complete nerd like I am. Yesterday was basically like Christmas because we both got our library cards at the New York Public Library. Uhh SO EXCITING! And the sad part is, I'm being completely serious about this excitement.
Today, Lauren and I decided to be touristy and go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. For the record, I love history. I think Ellis Island is one awesome museum. The Statue of Liberty we unfortunately could not go inside, but we did walk around it and admire it's beauty. However, we found beauty in a much more rare form of two European, Swedish guys that we followed around. They were foreign and they were gorgeous. We got a picture of one of them. Yes, we were stalkers. After this, we decided to venture to the East Side of Manhattan.
Let me just say before I continue on this journey, that the different parts of Manhattan are like different worlds. Midtown and where I live is crazy. Upper West Side is gorgeous because of Central Park. Lower West Side is all business. And I'm not going to lie, I haven't delved into all of the delicacies that the East Side has to offer. All I know is Upper East Side= High class, and Lenox Hill is there (where I will be working). If I were to be in a gang and throw up the sign, I would choose the "Westsidddee" symbol because that's basically where I contain myself.
Lauren and I decided then to take the subway up to Little Italy and China Town. I'm in love with Italy, and my second love is Italian food. We went to an Italian restaurant. An authentic one, where the waiters spoke Italian and there was a cute waiter. Paesano's was the name of the restaurant. It was delicious. I loved Little Italy and all of the FOOD. I can't wait to go back. China Town was interesting. Even HSBC had a Chinese "subtitle". There, we got Mochi Icecream. It's very interesting but good. It's like a ball of raw dough, but you bite inside and there is icecream. The mango kind was the best. We also had heard of these great starburst type candies called "Hi-Chews". We searched high and low; Apparently these babies are popular. We finally found some at a supermarket we went into. The food was packaged in Chinese. There were no English "subtitles" for us to look at. Fortunately, I'm a pro at Chinese and found these "Hi-Chews" (actually, there was a subtitle STICKER on the back of select few packages) and we got them. The dragonfruit kind=heavenly). Overall, it was a hilarious experience in the Oriental Market.
I've become attached at the hip with my friend Lauren. I love her; She's a doll and a complete nerd like I am. Yesterday was basically like Christmas because we both got our library cards at the New York Public Library. Uhh SO EXCITING! And the sad part is, I'm being completely serious about this excitement.
Today, Lauren and I decided to be touristy and go to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. For the record, I love history. I think Ellis Island is one awesome museum. The Statue of Liberty we unfortunately could not go inside, but we did walk around it and admire it's beauty. However, we found beauty in a much more rare form of two European, Swedish guys that we followed around. They were foreign and they were gorgeous. We got a picture of one of them. Yes, we were stalkers. After this, we decided to venture to the East Side of Manhattan.
Let me just say before I continue on this journey, that the different parts of Manhattan are like different worlds. Midtown and where I live is crazy. Upper West Side is gorgeous because of Central Park. Lower West Side is all business. And I'm not going to lie, I haven't delved into all of the delicacies that the East Side has to offer. All I know is Upper East Side= High class, and Lenox Hill is there (where I will be working). If I were to be in a gang and throw up the sign, I would choose the "Westsidddee" symbol because that's basically where I contain myself.
Lauren and I decided then to take the subway up to Little Italy and China Town. I'm in love with Italy, and my second love is Italian food. We went to an Italian restaurant. An authentic one, where the waiters spoke Italian and there was a cute waiter. Paesano's was the name of the restaurant. It was delicious. I loved Little Italy and all of the FOOD. I can't wait to go back. China Town was interesting. Even HSBC had a Chinese "subtitle". There, we got Mochi Icecream. It's very interesting but good. It's like a ball of raw dough, but you bite inside and there is icecream. The mango kind was the best. We also had heard of these great starburst type candies called "Hi-Chews". We searched high and low; Apparently these babies are popular. We finally found some at a supermarket we went into. The food was packaged in Chinese. There were no English "subtitles" for us to look at. Fortunately, I'm a pro at Chinese and found these "Hi-Chews" (actually, there was a subtitle STICKER on the back of select few packages) and we got them. The dragonfruit kind=heavenly). Overall, it was a hilarious experience in the Oriental Market.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Paradise; One Hour.
Today, I found out that paradise is only one hour away from the busy streets of Manhattan. I found the beautiful Long Beach in Long Island, NY today. My friend Lauren and I got up at the early hour of 6:30am and headed to the beach. For a price of $19, you get a roundtrip train ride as well as a pass to the beach. It was amazing. However, I am now a lobster. I have the silliest "burn" lines. I only put sunscreen on my face and legs. The rest of my body= bright red. Hi, I'm Italian. Aren't I supposed to easily tan? I usually do.
Tonight, I went to FHE at this awesome dessert place, Cafe Lalo on West 83rd and Broadway. It was delicious. Very trendy. However, bad service. Above is their napkins. Their sugar packets had the same thing on them. I thought it was cute.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hopefully this will be short because I have to be up early tomorrow.
I'm going to Long Beach, Long Island for Memorial Day with my friend Lauren!
I'm so excited...I haven't been to Long Island in years, and I used to live there when I was little. I had a traumatizing experience with Jones Beach. A Lab's leash got attached to my mini beach chair and he ended up dragging me all over the beach. I was scarred for life.
Anyway, the Yankees game was amazing. They were losing 4-2 until the last inning, and then they ended up winning. It was AWESOME. I loved the new stadium. Now I know why they moved stadiums.
Last night, I tried PinkBerry for the first time. Overrated. It was frozen yogurt, but literal yogurt. Ew. The raspberries and white chocolate shavings over it was the best part.
Today was church. Okay, every girl is gorgeous here. I feel very inadequate. And the girls HATE the interns. They're very possessive of their guys. Regardless, I went to a potluck dinner tonight with like 8-10 people (the ward is huge, so this was an extremely small potluck) and it was fun just talking with everyone. It's so nice to be around members all the time.
Yayaya so that's my life. Gotta get ready for BEACH tomorrow :)
The heat in New York is BRUTAL. Like, terrible. I use the subway to get everywhere, and it is ridiculous how hot it is. Let's just say, a few people don't shower. On top of that, a homeless man was singing "It's Getting Hot in Here" by Nelly, and dancing today on the subway. Then proceeded to do a remix of rap/r&b music. His beat was the coins in his cup. Honestly, it's hard for me to feel sympathy for these people. Does that make me completely horrible?
I'm going to Long Beach, Long Island for Memorial Day with my friend Lauren!
I'm so excited...I haven't been to Long Island in years, and I used to live there when I was little. I had a traumatizing experience with Jones Beach. A Lab's leash got attached to my mini beach chair and he ended up dragging me all over the beach. I was scarred for life.
Anyway, the Yankees game was amazing. They were losing 4-2 until the last inning, and then they ended up winning. It was AWESOME. I loved the new stadium. Now I know why they moved stadiums.
Last night, I tried PinkBerry for the first time. Overrated. It was frozen yogurt, but literal yogurt. Ew. The raspberries and white chocolate shavings over it was the best part.
Today was church. Okay, every girl is gorgeous here. I feel very inadequate. And the girls HATE the interns. They're very possessive of their guys. Regardless, I went to a potluck dinner tonight with like 8-10 people (the ward is huge, so this was an extremely small potluck) and it was fun just talking with everyone. It's so nice to be around members all the time.
Yayaya so that's my life. Gotta get ready for BEACH tomorrow :)
The heat in New York is BRUTAL. Like, terrible. I use the subway to get everywhere, and it is ridiculous how hot it is. Let's just say, a few people don't shower. On top of that, a homeless man was singing "It's Getting Hot in Here" by Nelly, and dancing today on the subway. Then proceeded to do a remix of rap/r&b music. His beat was the coins in his cup. Honestly, it's hard for me to feel sympathy for these people. Does that make me completely horrible?
Friday, May 22, 2009
I've missed a few days...Oops.
Things have been busy, and I'm loving the city.
I love my walk home from the subway every night. I literally have to walk through Times Square to get home. All the bright lights...Oh my, I hope it never gets old because I love it so much!!
On Wednesday night I went to yoga RS enrichment night, and I met a new friend. I love her already. Her name is Lauren and she's from Utah. She's an intern, too. Last night we went to institute together and we made a new friend that I guess is a part of our "crew". He's on the BYU Volleyball team and is 6'6. I look ridiculous next to him, ha.
Yesterday, my cousin Christie came out. We ate at my favorite restaurant in the world, Carmines (which happens to be two blocks from my apartment). If anyone comes to visit, we are going there. We went to to Madame Tussaud's, which was lots of fun. It's a wax museum, but it's so cool. I'll put up pictures later on.
This morning, we all decided to be crazy and wake up at 5:30 am to go to the Green Day on Good Morning America in Central Park. Okay, so I'm not that big a fan of them but it was seriously GREAT. It was fun, I was spotted on TV by my grandma. The lead singer was quite the character, and the band itself did the sound check so it was a pretty "intimate" experience. A little girl got on stage and danced, it was so cute. So...Next Friday on the Today show summer concert series, Taylor Swift is performing. TAYLOR SWIFT my dream sister. The question is, it's in Rockefeller Plaza and I would have to get there MUCH earlier than 6am. What do I do? Should I go? Advice?
Tonight I'm going to a movie with Lauren in Times Square. Lauren seems to have all the luck/hook ups because TOMORROW we're going to a Yankees game. FOR FREE!! I'm so excited. Lauren is so sweet, I'm glad I met her.
Things have been busy, and I'm loving the city.
I love my walk home from the subway every night. I literally have to walk through Times Square to get home. All the bright lights...Oh my, I hope it never gets old because I love it so much!!
On Wednesday night I went to yoga RS enrichment night, and I met a new friend. I love her already. Her name is Lauren and she's from Utah. She's an intern, too. Last night we went to institute together and we made a new friend that I guess is a part of our "crew". He's on the BYU Volleyball team and is 6'6. I look ridiculous next to him, ha.
Yesterday, my cousin Christie came out. We ate at my favorite restaurant in the world, Carmines (which happens to be two blocks from my apartment). If anyone comes to visit, we are going there. We went to to Madame Tussaud's, which was lots of fun. It's a wax museum, but it's so cool. I'll put up pictures later on.
This morning, we all decided to be crazy and wake up at 5:30 am to go to the Green Day on Good Morning America in Central Park. Okay, so I'm not that big a fan of them but it was seriously GREAT. It was fun, I was spotted on TV by my grandma. The lead singer was quite the character, and the band itself did the sound check so it was a pretty "intimate" experience. A little girl got on stage and danced, it was so cute. So...Next Friday on the Today show summer concert series, Taylor Swift is performing. TAYLOR SWIFT my dream sister. The question is, it's in Rockefeller Plaza and I would have to get there MUCH earlier than 6am. What do I do? Should I go? Advice?
Tonight I'm going to a movie with Lauren in Times Square. Lauren seems to have all the luck/hook ups because TOMORROW we're going to a Yankees game. FOR FREE!! I'm so excited. Lauren is so sweet, I'm glad I met her.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I woke up at an embarrassingly late time today (try 1:15pm), and decided to head by myself to Central Park. It was so peaceful and nice outside. I read for a couple of hours and then decided to look at the grocery stores around here. SO freaking expensive. I may go to FreshDirect.com because supposedly it's cheap, but I don't even know. AY. Sad I haven't gone grocery shopping yet, but the food around here is so delicious.
I went with my roommate and her friends today to a Chinese place on Third and Lexington, Lower East side. It was yum. I also went to go visit my Horseheads friend/next door neighbor in the building next to me. His apartment is HUGE compared to mine, I'm so jealous.
This has turned into a travelogue, I apologize..But that's my life right now :) haha
I went with my roommate and her friends today to a Chinese place on Third and Lexington, Lower East side. It was yum. I also went to go visit my Horseheads friend/next door neighbor in the building next to me. His apartment is HUGE compared to mine, I'm so jealous.
This has turned into a travelogue, I apologize..But that's my life right now :) haha
Monday, May 18, 2009
Real World: Brooklyn.
First of all, the feedjit keeps saying I'm coming from Brooklyn. No, site tracker, you are wrong. I am definitely in the middle of Manhattan.
Secondly, this post has nothing to do with the Real World but everything to do with Brooklyn.
Obviously I'm an online stalker and try to figure out everything that's going on. I'm willing to take subways by myself, get myself lost in Harlem on accident, and get lost in Brooklyn in order to find the most cool activities ever. Like the 3rd Ward FHE walking the Brooklyn bridge. Miraculously, I ended up in the back of the line with two Mormons: Keyword I overheard was "BYU". I then introduced myself. HA I knew no one, it was like a blind date. No one knew I was coming.
We stood in a line much like this for an hour and a half and ate pizza at "New York's Best Pizza" Grimaldi's. It was delicious.

Then, we walked the Brooklyn Bridge at night. It was gorgeous. I then had friends to take me back on the subway :) YAy. Words cannot describe though how breathtaking the skyline was on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Earlier today, I surrounded myself with Manhattan. I found a McDonald's that has personal TV's for every stool in the restaurant, I read in the New York Public Library, walked far too long to an HSBC when there was one right next door to the NYPL, and then spent 2 hours overlooking Columbus Square/The Temple/browsing at Barnes and Noble (MY favorite store in the world..paradise). I also got lost in the bus station finding a bathroom.

Secondly, this post has nothing to do with the Real World but everything to do with Brooklyn.
Obviously I'm an online stalker and try to figure out everything that's going on. I'm willing to take subways by myself, get myself lost in Harlem on accident, and get lost in Brooklyn in order to find the most cool activities ever. Like the 3rd Ward FHE walking the Brooklyn bridge. Miraculously, I ended up in the back of the line with two Mormons: Keyword I overheard was "BYU". I then introduced myself. HA I knew no one, it was like a blind date. No one knew I was coming.
We stood in a line much like this for an hour and a half and ate pizza at "New York's Best Pizza" Grimaldi's. It was delicious.
Then, we walked the Brooklyn Bridge at night. It was gorgeous. I then had friends to take me back on the subway :) YAy. Words cannot describe though how breathtaking the skyline was on the Brooklyn Bridge.
Earlier today, I surrounded myself with Manhattan. I found a McDonald's that has personal TV's for every stool in the restaurant, I read in the New York Public Library, walked far too long to an HSBC when there was one right next door to the NYPL, and then spent 2 hours overlooking Columbus Square/The Temple/browsing at Barnes and Noble (MY favorite store in the world..paradise). I also got lost in the bus station finding a bathroom.

Sunday, May 17, 2009
So much to write, so little time.
JK I have all the time in the world, but I'm so exhausted.
Just moved in yesterday...The apartment is so cute and cozy thanks to my roommate's stylish furniture and it's a newly renovated apartment. My room is the size of a closet, but it works. It's ghetto because I have an air mattress but I love it. I made friends with the cat that lives in the window across from me. We have staring contests.
I live 2 blocks from Times Square, and there was a food festival RIGHT outside of my apartment yesterday and today. I had food from Argentina, Brazil, Louisiana, Greece. I tried Alligator sausage and crawfish for the first time. And Mozzarepas...They're a New York thing I guess. It's 2 pieces of cornbread with mozzerella in the middle. SO DELICIOUS.

Last night I waited outside of my apartment in one spot with my mom and sister waiting for a tow truck to come. It was terrible. AAA service is horrible here. During my 8:30pm-1:30 am sit on the stoop, I've come to realize that my neighborhood consists mostly of young, white gay males who look better than I do 100% of the time. Operation me finding a guy looks very slim.
Tonight I went to a "Bishop's Breakfast". Our bishop invited all of us newcomers over to his apartment in Morningside and cooked us amaaaazing crepes, waffles, and pancakes. There was so much fruit, whipped cream goodness. Free food= amazing food. His apartment was HUGE (compared to mine, hahaha maybe it's from my perspective). There was a trampoline in his living room for his kids. Um Hi, I want one. There are a lot of nice, normal people in the ward that I get along with. YAy.
JK I have all the time in the world, but I'm so exhausted.
Just moved in yesterday...The apartment is so cute and cozy thanks to my roommate's stylish furniture and it's a newly renovated apartment. My room is the size of a closet, but it works. It's ghetto because I have an air mattress but I love it. I made friends with the cat that lives in the window across from me. We have staring contests.
I live 2 blocks from Times Square, and there was a food festival RIGHT outside of my apartment yesterday and today. I had food from Argentina, Brazil, Louisiana, Greece. I tried Alligator sausage and crawfish for the first time. And Mozzarepas...They're a New York thing I guess. It's 2 pieces of cornbread with mozzerella in the middle. SO DELICIOUS.
Last night I waited outside of my apartment in one spot with my mom and sister waiting for a tow truck to come. It was terrible. AAA service is horrible here. During my 8:30pm-1:30 am sit on the stoop, I've come to realize that my neighborhood consists mostly of young, white gay males who look better than I do 100% of the time. Operation me finding a guy looks very slim.
Tonight I went to a "Bishop's Breakfast". Our bishop invited all of us newcomers over to his apartment in Morningside and cooked us amaaaazing crepes, waffles, and pancakes. There was so much fruit, whipped cream goodness. Free food= amazing food. His apartment was HUGE (compared to mine, hahaha maybe it's from my perspective). There was a trampoline in his living room for his kids. Um Hi, I want one. There are a lot of nice, normal people in the ward that I get along with. YAy.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I'm incredibly sorry for being so emo/cryptic lately. A lot has been going on. I don't like being public about situations (hence being cryptic) but I need to let it out somehow while being home alone.
On a good note, less than 48 hours I'll be in NYC in my new apartment. Score.
How are you so beautiful?? If I could choose ANOTHER little sister to add to my already amazing one, it would be you. Even though you're super tall and would tower over me, I'd deal. Plus, I like being short anyway. So Taylor, will you be my sister?
Love, Amy

On a good note, less than 48 hours I'll be in NYC in my new apartment. Score.
Currently Listening to:
Taylor Swift: You're Not Sorry
Taylor Swift,Taylor Swift: You're Not Sorry
How are you so beautiful?? If I could choose ANOTHER little sister to add to my already amazing one, it would be you. Even though you're super tall and would tower over me, I'd deal. Plus, I like being short anyway. So Taylor, will you be my sister?
Love, Amy
You don't have to call, anymore.
I won't pick up the phone...
This is the last straw,
Don't want to hurt anymore.
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I won't believe you
Like I did before.
All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around.
I've been giving out chances everytime but all you do is let me down.
I won't pick up the phone...
This is the last straw,
Don't want to hurt anymore.
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I won't believe you
Like I did before.
All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around.
I've been giving out chances everytime but all you do is let me down.
A lot of family things have been happening with me lately.
On Monday night, I had an encounter with the police and had to talk to them about things that have happened. I won't go into details because it's quite disturbing, but I'm so unhappy with the way the police handled the situation, especially the State Troopers. I was clearly crying and upset, and they were trying to justify the situation I was in. I was the victim. In no way was what the family member did justifiable. It was appalling. It made me never want to turn to the police again for help.
Maybe I don't understand because I am a compassionate person. I'm so happy I have that quality, because observing and interacting with people who don't is so hurtful. I'm so happy I'm becoming a nurse and (hopefully) surrounding myself with other compassionate and empathetic people. I really don't understand how someone can have no feelings or hide them from the world. Mark my words, I will never marry a person like that.
Now, I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon and say "F the Police" because first I've never had a run-in with them, and second I like to give everyone a chance. But what a bad impression they've left on me.
On Monday night, I had an encounter with the police and had to talk to them about things that have happened. I won't go into details because it's quite disturbing, but I'm so unhappy with the way the police handled the situation, especially the State Troopers. I was clearly crying and upset, and they were trying to justify the situation I was in. I was the victim. In no way was what the family member did justifiable. It was appalling. It made me never want to turn to the police again for help.
Maybe I don't understand because I am a compassionate person. I'm so happy I have that quality, because observing and interacting with people who don't is so hurtful. I'm so happy I'm becoming a nurse and (hopefully) surrounding myself with other compassionate and empathetic people. I really don't understand how someone can have no feelings or hide them from the world. Mark my words, I will never marry a person like that.
Now, I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon and say "F the Police" because first I've never had a run-in with them, and second I like to give everyone a chance. But what a bad impression they've left on me.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
LOST finale live blog feed.
I'm lame and am watching the LOST finale by myself.
And I have a lot of thoughts..I wanted to throw a party so badly but it didn't work out since i have no LOST friends on the east coast. So, I made myself a nice little gourmet meal of chicken alfredo, cookie cake and some milk : ). Excuse this post, as I am a Lost nerd.
- JACOB is exposed/exists!! And we've never seen him! He's hot. And he had a small part in Kate's childhood.
- We finally saw the four-toed statue in its' entirety!
- The reason Richard Alpert never ages (and has eyeliner on permanently...jk) is because Jacob made him that way.
- What the HECK is in that box? Is that Michelle Rodriguez (I don't think so)? I'm extremely confused on that part. What part of time are they from?
- Well...Apparently Jacob was apart of Sawyer's past, too...Jacob overload!! I wish I knew about him before...So much Jacob-ness to learn about, so little time!
- I used to love Locke...Now he's crazy. He wants Ben to kill Jacob? Doubt it.
- Jacob was there when Sayid's wife died?!! He knew it was going to happen!! AH what the heck.
- Sayid was SHOT!?? Will he live? I want him to live!! He needs to live! I knew hiding in plain sight wouldn't work out for them...They're infamous. And Jack is hot so obviously he'd be recognized.
- Aw we found Rose and her husband..Safe and sound, living their retirement dream.
- And Michael and his son's puppy!!! How adorable.
- Jacob knows when things happen...Like the incident where Locke became paralyzed. He was there waiting for it.
- Aaron's cradle and Charlie's ring makes an appearance.
- Jacob is a know-all man. He HAS to have special powers.
- Uh-oh. It's Kate, Sawyer and Juliet against the world. The island/possibly universe's most awkward threesome.
- Correction: It's Kate and Sawyer against the world. Juliet changed her mind. WTF?!? I don't want the H-Bomb detonated....Because that means they'd all be strangers and flight 815 would have never happened. It would all be for nothing. And Jack wants to because he lost Kate?! Makes no sense.
- Jacob popped out of a vending machine.
- Juliet and Jack both have the same reasons for detonating the H-Bomb. And they're dumb, insecure reasons. F.
- Rubbing blood off someone's face with your bare hand does not work, Kate. It only smears it.
- Kate has the perfect curly hair that all curlyheads dream of. Thanks, Kate for giving me unrealistic dreams.
- Hurley is the only one that Jacob can talk literally to because Hurley thinks he's crazy, hearing/seeing things anyway.
- Will Ben kill JACOB?!
- Juliet, I miss you already. Seeing Sawyer and Juliet's goodbyes broke my heart.
- Jack CAUSED the incident rather than prevented it. Miles was right.
- Uh...So Juliet caused the incident or did she prevent it?! I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL 2010!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
New Layout.
So..I found this layout. I need some happiness in my life, and this layout made me happy (ah, the simple things). As soon as I saw it, it reminded me of this song. As I looked up the lyrics, I figured out why. The first line. Actually, the first two lines. Aw.
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.
Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright
And nothing seems to change, and it all will stay the same.
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer.
Do what you want to.
Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamonAnd they told me I don't need to worry.
So sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.
Maybe sometimes, we got it wrong, but it's alright
And nothing seems to change, and it all will stay the same.
Oh, don't you hesitate.
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange?
Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
You go ahead, let your hair down
Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
Just go ahead, let your hair down.
You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Just more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you gonna realise, that you don't even have to try any longer.
Do what you want to.
Oh, You're gonna find yourself somewhere, somehow.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Individual Worth
This is now the background of my computer.
The bottom reads.."Reflect on this: You are a child of God. With his help, you can reach your great potential." (See Romans 8:16-17)
I never got to put these super cool MormonAd posters on my wall when I was little. Coolest things ever. http://www.nettycreations.com/MormonAds/ <---That site has all of them, organized by category. <3
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Irony.
Does this happen to anyone else?
Everytime I'm sad, lonely, home alone, in my pajamas with no make up on, on the verge of crying while talking to my dog....I hear the song "All By Myself" by Celine Dion on the television. I look at the TV and "Bridget Jones' Diary" is on at the very beginning, the scene where Renee Zellwegger is in her apartment by herself, in her pajamas, waiting for the phone call she'll never get while singing "All By Myself" and crying. This is the third time this has happened to me in three months. It always makes me laugh and realize how sad I look. Oh, the irony.
If you want to skip the drinking and smoking, go to 0:40 seconds. That's where it gets REAL good.
Everytime I'm sad, lonely, home alone, in my pajamas with no make up on, on the verge of crying while talking to my dog....I hear the song "All By Myself" by Celine Dion on the television. I look at the TV and "Bridget Jones' Diary" is on at the very beginning, the scene where Renee Zellwegger is in her apartment by herself, in her pajamas, waiting for the phone call she'll never get while singing "All By Myself" and crying. This is the third time this has happened to me in three months. It always makes me laugh and realize how sad I look. Oh, the irony.
If you want to skip the drinking and smoking, go to 0:40 seconds. That's where it gets REAL good.
Never is a Promise.
This is incredibly emo....But it's been such a crappy day.
This one goes out to my Dad.
You'll never see the courage i know
its colors' richness won't appear within your view
i'll never glow, the way that you glow
Your presence dominates the judgments made on you
But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception
my feelings swell and stretch ,i see from greater heights
i understand what I am still to proud to mention to you
You'll say you understand, but you don't understand
you'll say you'd never give up, seeing eye to eye
but never is a promise and you can't afford to lie
you'll never touch, these things that i hold
the skin of my emotions lies beneath my own
you'll never feel the heat of this soul
my fever burns me deeper than i've ever shown, to you
you'll say don't fear your dreams ,it's easier than it seems
you'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high
but never is a promise and you can't afford to lie
you'll never live the life that i live
i'll never live the life that wakes me in the night
you'll never hear the message i give
you'll say it looks as though i might give up this fight
but as the scenary grows, i see in different lights
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception
my feelings swell and stretch, i see from greater heights
i realize what i am now too smart to mention to you
you'll say you understand,
you'll never understand
i'll say i'll never wake up
knowing how or why
i don't know what to believe in
you don't know who i am
you'll say i need appeasing
when i start to cry
but never is a promise
and i'll never need a lie
This one goes out to my Dad.
You'll never see the courage i know
its colors' richness won't appear within your view
i'll never glow, the way that you glow
Your presence dominates the judgments made on you
But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception
my feelings swell and stretch ,i see from greater heights
i understand what I am still to proud to mention to you
You'll say you understand, but you don't understand
you'll say you'd never give up, seeing eye to eye
but never is a promise and you can't afford to lie
you'll never touch, these things that i hold
the skin of my emotions lies beneath my own
you'll never feel the heat of this soul
my fever burns me deeper than i've ever shown, to you
you'll say don't fear your dreams ,it's easier than it seems
you'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high
but never is a promise and you can't afford to lie
you'll never live the life that i live
i'll never live the life that wakes me in the night
you'll never hear the message i give
you'll say it looks as though i might give up this fight
but as the scenary grows, i see in different lights
the shades and shadows undulate in my perception
my feelings swell and stretch, i see from greater heights
i realize what i am now too smart to mention to you
you'll say you understand,
you'll never understand
i'll say i'll never wake up
knowing how or why
i don't know what to believe in
you don't know who i am
you'll say i need appeasing
when i start to cry
but never is a promise
and i'll never need a lie
Friday, May 8, 2009
Chicago- Sufjan Stevens
Isn't it crazy how our music taste evolves through the years? Maybe it's just me. I went from Britney/Backstreet Boys/98 Degrees in my childhood years, to whatever was on the radio or "cool" in my young adolescence years. In high school, I had my emo moments and thought that type of music defined my life and "spoke" to me. I am ashamed to admit I cried to Dashboard and Something Corporate ballads regularly (I'm not ashamed to have listened to those bands, they still have a place in my heart...Oh, Something Corporate how I miss you). When I got to college, I found alternative music. I love relaxing, chill music now. Happiness.
Just a taste of some wonderful music you may or may not have heard of...But you must listen to:
Lisa Hannigan- She was the back up singer for Damien Rice. Her voice is angelic. I recommend the song "I Don't Know".
Renee Cassar- What a gem from Australia. She has a pretty awesome style. I love the ballad "Always With You".
Sufjan Stevens- I already recommended the song (see above). It's always in my head.
Ingrid Michaelson-You may recognize her from the old Old Navy commercial, "The Way I am" song. That's a good one. My favorite that's always stuck in my head is, "You and I". It's so cute.
The Duke Spirit- "My Sunken Treasure" is probably their best.
Angus and Julia Stone- "Mango Tree". Precious.
Isn't it crazy how our music taste evolves through the years? Maybe it's just me. I went from Britney/Backstreet Boys/98 Degrees in my childhood years, to whatever was on the radio or "cool" in my young adolescence years. In high school, I had my emo moments and thought that type of music defined my life and "spoke" to me. I am ashamed to admit I cried to Dashboard and Something Corporate ballads regularly (I'm not ashamed to have listened to those bands, they still have a place in my heart...Oh, Something Corporate how I miss you). When I got to college, I found alternative music. I love relaxing, chill music now. Happiness.
Just a taste of some wonderful music you may or may not have heard of...But you must listen to:
Lisa Hannigan- She was the back up singer for Damien Rice. Her voice is angelic. I recommend the song "I Don't Know".
Renee Cassar- What a gem from Australia. She has a pretty awesome style. I love the ballad "Always With You".
Sufjan Stevens- I already recommended the song (see above). It's always in my head.
Ingrid Michaelson-You may recognize her from the old Old Navy commercial, "The Way I am" song. That's a good one. My favorite that's always stuck in my head is, "You and I". It's so cute.
The Duke Spirit- "My Sunken Treasure" is probably their best.
Angus and Julia Stone- "Mango Tree". Precious.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Home isn't feeling like home anymore. It's just a place I crash and sit around when I'm visiting family and/or have nothing to do. It is relieving to walk in and see my Mom and the dogs, but it's just not where I'd like to be for an extended amount of time anymore. Forgive me if I've written about this before.
I just never thought I'd see this day. It really makes me feel grown up. I'm sure I'll move out and miss the family, but it's where I need to go. I've always been an independent person due to a lot of family issues, and I feel like I've finally gotten to the point where I can use that to my advantage and get on with my life.
I'm sure this happens to everyone, so it's hilarious that I'm even posting about it, but it's a very nostalgic experience for me.
Oh...And I finally mustered up the courage to walk into my dad's house while his girlfriend (Amy) was there. Amy and I have a lot of problems with each other. All you need to know is that I was all ready to let things go around Christmas time, and then she stormed into my dad's house and said something terribly vulgar, disgusting and rude about me to my dad in front of my sister and 14 year old brother. I walk into the house to get some mail of mine (she's the reason I no longer live there) and she completely ignores me. I'm 2 feet away from her, and she doesn't acknowledge my existence. I talk to my dad on the phone, and she pretends she can't hear me. Like I'm a ghost. Later, she tells my dad that she said "hello" to me. She did no such thing. The angry person in me wants to tell my dad that no, she didn't say hello and she was rude as always. But I don't want to start drama. This sounds incredibly immature, but this woman is the reason my parents got a divorce. I had to live with the 28 year old woman my dad had an affair with for 5 years too many.
Okay, Had to vent about that. I know it's Christ-like to forgive, and anger gets you nowhere. I was so close to doing it over Christmas but what she said was way out of line. I just don't know what to do. Do you forgive someone who isn't sorry? "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" I don't know. Has anyone been in this situation before?
I just never thought I'd see this day. It really makes me feel grown up. I'm sure I'll move out and miss the family, but it's where I need to go. I've always been an independent person due to a lot of family issues, and I feel like I've finally gotten to the point where I can use that to my advantage and get on with my life.
I'm sure this happens to everyone, so it's hilarious that I'm even posting about it, but it's a very nostalgic experience for me.
Oh...And I finally mustered up the courage to walk into my dad's house while his girlfriend (Amy) was there. Amy and I have a lot of problems with each other. All you need to know is that I was all ready to let things go around Christmas time, and then she stormed into my dad's house and said something terribly vulgar, disgusting and rude about me to my dad in front of my sister and 14 year old brother. I walk into the house to get some mail of mine (she's the reason I no longer live there) and she completely ignores me. I'm 2 feet away from her, and she doesn't acknowledge my existence. I talk to my dad on the phone, and she pretends she can't hear me. Like I'm a ghost. Later, she tells my dad that she said "hello" to me. She did no such thing. The angry person in me wants to tell my dad that no, she didn't say hello and she was rude as always. But I don't want to start drama. This sounds incredibly immature, but this woman is the reason my parents got a divorce. I had to live with the 28 year old woman my dad had an affair with for 5 years too many.
Okay, Had to vent about that. I know it's Christ-like to forgive, and anger gets you nowhere. I was so close to doing it over Christmas but what she said was way out of line. I just don't know what to do. Do you forgive someone who isn't sorry? "Forgive them, for they know not what they do" I don't know. Has anyone been in this situation before?
Monday, May 4, 2009
Setting the Record Straight.
A couple of things, again in list order...Because I am lazy.
1. I am officially a senior at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon. A senior in college. When I was 5, I thought "13th grade" was the highest you could go. I will be in 16th grade. TIME freaking FLIES!!!!
2. I just received my first 100 on a college exam, EVER. On a med-surg. exam. When I saw this, I laughed. To this second, I think it's either a mistake or a joke, but I'll take it.
3. I'm out of here, Hershey, tomorrow. I will miss everyone.
4. I'm moving to the city in....11 Days. Check it. Mom and Ali (my sister) are helping me move in because frankly, I can't wait the extra 2 weeks until June 1st. No way. I need my summer to start ASAP.
Life is crazy right now and I love it. Although, I will not love it when I have to unpack and then repack this week. My two least favorite things to do.
1. I am officially a senior at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon. A senior in college. When I was 5, I thought "13th grade" was the highest you could go. I will be in 16th grade. TIME freaking FLIES!!!!
2. I just received my first 100 on a college exam, EVER. On a med-surg. exam. When I saw this, I laughed. To this second, I think it's either a mistake or a joke, but I'll take it.
3. I'm out of here, Hershey, tomorrow. I will miss everyone.
4. I'm moving to the city in....11 Days. Check it. Mom and Ali (my sister) are helping me move in because frankly, I can't wait the extra 2 weeks until June 1st. No way. I need my summer to start ASAP.
Life is crazy right now and I love it. Although, I will not love it when I have to unpack and then repack this week. My two least favorite things to do.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Two small dream tidbits:
1. Skiing dreams are awesome. Mountains can be backwards, and I never fall. It always is Swain though. I never ski at Swain, yet all my skiing dreams are located there.
2. Being teleported to Italy with my entire family directly after the ski dream was also amazing. Why can't this happen in real life?
3. Does anyone else have dreams of texting people? Because I do. While I was "in" Italy, I had a notion that I should text one of my friends. Maybe it's thanks to my other friends that think it's necessary to text me at 3am and beyond.
1. Skiing dreams are awesome. Mountains can be backwards, and I never fall. It always is Swain though. I never ski at Swain, yet all my skiing dreams are located there.
2. Being teleported to Italy with my entire family directly after the ski dream was also amazing. Why can't this happen in real life?
3. Does anyone else have dreams of texting people? Because I do. While I was "in" Italy, I had a notion that I should text one of my friends. Maybe it's thanks to my other friends that think it's necessary to text me at 3am and beyond.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Slumber Parties.
So...I had a fun last two days :) I'm full of smiles.
Thursday night me and the Hershey roommates had a Girl's Night out. We visited our other roommate at work, then we just went out together. True story: A state trooper came up to us and was hitting on Sarah, and we told him we were nurses. He goes, "Well, I hope I never have to see you while I'm lying vertically in a hospital!" Uh, lying vertically? Are we being for real here? SO dumb!!
After that, me and MaryKate had a "slumber party" in the living room. We painted our nails, took our teddy bears and comforters out to cuddle and watched chick flicks. We stayed up 'til 2am talking. I will miss her.
Fast forward to last night (er, that doesn't make sense, oh well). I took a road trip up to Penn State because I've only been there once this past semester. I have missed everyone SO much. I had so much fun...We went on a "bar tour" with one of my THON groups (don't worry, I stayed out of trouble) and I danced my little heart out everywhere we went. Got some good pictures. Had yet another Slumber party with Emily...We gossiped til 3:30am. I woke up at 9 to go to a bridal shower back at Hershey. Let's just say, I'm a champ for getting up that early considering the time I went to bed.
Thursday night me and the Hershey roommates had a Girl's Night out. We visited our other roommate at work, then we just went out together. True story: A state trooper came up to us and was hitting on Sarah, and we told him we were nurses. He goes, "Well, I hope I never have to see you while I'm lying vertically in a hospital!" Uh, lying vertically? Are we being for real here? SO dumb!!
After that, me and MaryKate had a "slumber party" in the living room. We painted our nails, took our teddy bears and comforters out to cuddle and watched chick flicks. We stayed up 'til 2am talking. I will miss her.
Fast forward to last night (er, that doesn't make sense, oh well). I took a road trip up to Penn State because I've only been there once this past semester. I have missed everyone SO much. I had so much fun...We went on a "bar tour" with one of my THON groups (don't worry, I stayed out of trouble) and I danced my little heart out everywhere we went. Got some good pictures. Had yet another Slumber party with Emily...We gossiped til 3:30am. I woke up at 9 to go to a bridal shower back at Hershey. Let's just say, I'm a champ for getting up that early considering the time I went to bed.
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