Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tweenaged Nurse.

The past two weeks, I've realized that I really love my job.
Here are two situations that brightened my week(s):

1) Took care of a cute 3-year old who showed me all of his cool superhero powers at the beginning of my night shift.  At midnight, I go in to wake him up for his vitals.  He was in a deep sleep.

'Bud, I'm sorry but it's time to get up for a second.' - Me.  

It took me a minute of tapping his shoulder and repeating...And he finally responds:

'....Spiderman...?" - Him
If he could think of me as Spider-Man even for just one second...I mean, I'm cool with that.

2) 12-year old girl and I - She's having a crappy day, watching Ellen on TV.  I ask her what her fave show is...
'Well, it's not this show, it's Pretty Little Liars.  FOR SURE." - Her

"I LOVE Pretty Little Liars!  Have you seen the season finale?" - Me

"Yes, I can't wait for the two hour Halloween episode!  I have one important question for you though... Are you Team Spoby?" -Her
'Team Spoby all the way.  Top two favorite characters and romance hands down.' - Me

I have to give myself some credit for knowing the fan-girl lingo, but I'll admit that shortly after walking away from this heart to heart I wondered if her mom was questioning my age and validity as a nurse.  

I'm just a Tweenager at heart, what can I say?


Anonymous said...

I love it when you write about your job!I am considering pediatric oncology for my preceptorship!

I always tell people I'm eleventeen because I love ABC family and young adult novels! :D I even saw Taylor Swift in concert! Bonus to me people always think I'm 18 anyway...

Unknown said...

As always I enjoy reading your blogs Amy. Makes me feel your right around the corner. I love you