Monday, September 30, 2013

Quarter Life.

There comes a time in one's life
When you're on the phone with a doctor's office,
And they ask how old you are.
When you say out loud '25' you think in your head, 
'Wait a second, that's not right..', proceed to do the math
and indeed, 25 is the correct number.

You're doing this while you're sitting in your car in front of the grocery store.
You're there to buy fresh vegetables and produce.
You just got back from getting some home decor and cleaning supplies at Target.
You are planning on going home and cleaning, getting out that trusty tool kit that you bought only last month and hanging some things.
You're going to pay your electric bill, too.

Last Friday,
You got up (still, far too late) and had the desire to be active.  
It was around 45 degrees out, but you didn't care...You wanted to hike.
If it proved to be impossible to hike due to weather, you were at least going to run.
You've never felt that way before in your life....You were craving activity.
It was the craziest thing.

You went on that hike despite the cold...And an even crazier thing happened.

It snowed.  
On the 27th of September, you were caught in snow.
You looked out at the mountains around you, and this snowfall and thought about how never in your life had you seen snow fall in September...And you think about your life, and you are happy.  
Happy to the point of tears.

Growing up really is okay.
Life can be lovely.
The end for now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Humble Like Dreams.

Anyone who knows me knows that I read, a lot.  I recently finished two wonderful 1000+ page books, 'Pillars of the Earth' and its' sequel 'World Without End'.  They were delightful.

Last night, I picked up a book I've been putting off reading- mainly because I don't want to be disappointed; I have read some amazing books lately.  However, 64 pages in I came across this quote.  And for some reason, I can't shake it.  I've read it about a million times.

"Words and emotions are simply currencies.  If we inflate them, they lose their value, just like money.  They begin to mean nothing.  Use 'beautiful' to describe a sandwich and the word means nothing.  Since the war, there is no more room for inflated language.  Words and feelings are small now- clear and precise. Humble like dreams."
-'Beautiful Ruins', by Jess Walter

That's all for now.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Tweenaged Nurse.

The past two weeks, I've realized that I really love my job.
Here are two situations that brightened my week(s):

1) Took care of a cute 3-year old who showed me all of his cool superhero powers at the beginning of my night shift.  At midnight, I go in to wake him up for his vitals.  He was in a deep sleep.

'Bud, I'm sorry but it's time to get up for a second.' - Me.  

It took me a minute of tapping his shoulder and repeating...And he finally responds:

'....Spiderman...?" - Him
If he could think of me as Spider-Man even for just one second...I mean, I'm cool with that.

2) 12-year old girl and I - She's having a crappy day, watching Ellen on TV.  I ask her what her fave show is...
'Well, it's not this show, it's Pretty Little Liars.  FOR SURE." - Her

"I LOVE Pretty Little Liars!  Have you seen the season finale?" - Me

"Yes, I can't wait for the two hour Halloween episode!  I have one important question for you though... Are you Team Spoby?" -Her
'Team Spoby all the way.  Top two favorite characters and romance hands down.' - Me

I have to give myself some credit for knowing the fan-girl lingo, but I'll admit that shortly after walking away from this heart to heart I wondered if her mom was questioning my age and validity as a nurse.  

I'm just a Tweenager at heart, what can I say?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fall is Coming.

So, since I last left off here, it has become September, which I still refuse to believe...I'm in denial, I am.
Summer is almost over.
It will be 80-90 degrees on average for another month(-ish) here in Salt Lake - and for the first time, I will not complain about this.  I will attempt to cherish every minute before I take out those pesky winter clothes.

In the past 3 weeks, I have visited Upstate NY (home)...
Most wonderful trip.  Ever.  I love my little-big niece.
And I have moved again.  Not a crazy move, just a few miles away to a condo in a cute neighborhood right outside of Salt Lake - But a move is a move.  It's frustrating, busy, and overwhelming.  I am just settling in to my new condo as I type.  Or am I procrastinating on unpacking?   Verdict is still out.
Fun little fact about my condo:  We have a private sauna on our patio.  Like, you walk out to our private patio and there is a sauna.  It's the silliest thing.  I wonder if we will ever use it.

I've developed a huge love for hiking and try to go at least once a week.  My plan is to keep doing this until it's too cold.  The last hike I did, Desolation Trail was absolutely stunning.  And it wasn't torture, either.  It was just perfect for my skill level.  
This is not from Desolation Trail, but a hike called "The Living Room".   Very, very hot that day.
Occasionally I come home from work smiling so big.  It is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, everyone...And how I wish I could share some of the stories I have from these past 8 months.  Let's just say, hugs from brave bald kids make my heart so happy.

Currently reading:  Ken Follett anything.  Well, I'm really only on the second book I've read of his considering they are 1000+ pages each.  He just makes me want to go back in time and live with these characters.  To start, I recommend you read Pillars of the Earth.  It's a life-changer...You'll be wanting to read solely historical fiction in no time.
Audrey approves of books.  All books.
Currently listening to: Lorde.  She is a 16 year old girl from New Zealand who rocks it Lana Del Rey style, except more badass...And she is way cute.  Not as cute as my niece, though.