Friday, June 1, 2012

Positivity (+)

This week, I've decided that:

I'm the messiest person alive.

I'm a borderline-hoarder.

I sleep way too much.

I think my curly hair is silly.

I miss my best friends from high school. (Nichole, Marissa, Steph, Roni, etc etc)

I will miss my girlfriends here in Utah so much.

I don't want to grow up.

I'm still a tiny teenager living in a 24-year old's body.  (why do I love that song 'Call Me Maybe'?  Decision not yet made).

Oh, and I'm the biggest procrastinator of all time.

See? I can be positive sometimes!

This video gem was taken on my birthday in April (if you haven't already figured it out, since I say it a million times)...Featuring Me, Jaxx and Megan.

"...And it's not even my birthday..."  Did I just end this post with a Rihanna quote...Why yes, yes I did. Am I proud of this?  Nope.


Holly said...

And it's totally ok to think all of those things :)

jes @ twosmuppies said...

You are so not alone in any of those things. Except, I don't have curly hair so I can't relate. But let's just pretend I can!

Laura Darling said...

I can't stop singing Call Me Maybe either. Love. It.

Giovanna said...

Love this! I'm definitely a teenager in a twenty-something's body too! Call Me Maybe is just too catchy! hahah


TC said...

Ahahahaha! I love the quote that you ended this post with. Perf!
