Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm on a boat!!

So....I took part in a cardboard boat regatta on Saturday.

I was just expecting a peaceful little outing with my dad and his girlfriend when I came across some long lost friends from high school.   I was SO pumped to be social (you have no idea how bored I've been since I've come home).  

They invited me onto their cardboard boat -
  Let me explain.  Every group that participates in this regatta has to build a boat made solely out of cardboard and duct tape.  You have to try to make it around a harbor without sinking.

We were half-submerged the whole time.  But we made it without sinking-- A true miracle.
Usually, it takes months to make these boats.
The group that made the boat I was on spent 69 minutes.  It was basically a raft.
Oh, and you can use paddles - They forgot those.  So we were using legs, arms, and flip flops to move this boat (by we I mean them...I was the laziest one.  I'd like to call myself the mascot). 

Mascot/MVP of the raft.  AKA the one who did no work and was the keeper of the shoes.  I was bad at that.
 I'm pretty sure we were the boat that took the longest---35 minutes to make it around a short little harbor.   It was an absolute miracle that this cardboard boat/raft did not sink or fall apart.

OH and then I was invited onto another one.  Such a freaking privilege to ride two of these boats.  This one probably took months.  It had a dance floor in the middle (no joke), and 40 of us made it without sinking.  Not even close to sinking.  I think that boat broke the record of most people on it.

Then I got to enjoy being on a real boat.  It was so beautiful out!! 

Yay so that was my weekend.  


TechTravel Today said...

Looks pretty fun! Wish I could've experienced going on those boats!


Qué Acierto! said...

it seems a most enjoyable experience ... I sign up now.

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

That is a perfect day.