Sleepy Amy..And sleepy Jaxx, being sleepy.
So, Jaxx is my roommate Natalie's dog. No offense to any poodle out there, but when I think poodle, I think yuck. However, little Jaxx is a 2 year old golden toy poodle. And he is the sweetest, when he wants to be :) no but seriously I love him. he is making me rub his belly right now so I am typing one handed. I'm a pro- don't try this at home.
When he can tell I'm lonely, and when he is too he'll cuddle with me. A lot of the time he is sad because his mom went to work. I've never seen a dog miss their mom so much. It's kind of cute, but when he's like that, he won't be my cuddle buddy.
Jaxx is watching me write my blog. Can he read? Questionable.
Well..On to the next one. Since the inability to keep my mouth shut obviously runs in the family, and since my mom already posted it publicly on facebook and my sister said "idccccc" (i don't care) when she did it. Um . My baby sister is with child/carrying a fetus around. Ya know, this one?

She is still a baby sister to me!!! Babies don't have babies!! Just kidding..She is 21, and I could not be more excited for her. All I want to do is be her personal nurse. I don't even care if she has no symptoms. I wish I had an ultrasound machine (and knew how to use it more than just to capture a heartbeat), I would test her every day and do super nurse things. One rule: She is not allowed to steal my girl name, if it is a girl. She knows this. This is imperative.
Thing is, I may be able to be her personal nurse....Kinda.
Remember how my life is in shambles right now? Yeah, probably not...I really haven't been talking about it. And I won't now...But Horseheads is a possibility in my future. New York City ----> Utah --> Horseheads ----> what's next, Nebraska? Seriously, I should not jynx myself. However..Keep that in mind. Future posting material.
And on a short note that I won't dwell on,
Sometimes this New York City longing/homesickness goes through my veins when I'm working. Especially when Good Morning America is on at 6am and they're showing Rockefeller Center, and I remembered "hey I went to the dentists in that same building"....Or when I think about Seamless Web and those amazing little Mexicans showing up at my door on a bike at all hours of the night with whatever food I desire. Or how I ate like CRAP there and didn't gain a pound because I walked so much. Or how, like seriously how did I NOT spend a ton of money on clothes? I walked by f'amazing stores EVERY single day. My temptation threshold was so much higher. I took so many things/shopping opportunities for granted!! EEEk.
Yeah, short note, huh?
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