Can I just say that heart to hearts with my Dad can be so therapeutic?
I said it. I mean it.
On another note...Being a friend-nurse pays (not money-wise, love-wise).
I've told you that every patient I have come into contact with has been a friend, some way or another..
Now that I work on days, their families have become my friends, too.
My patient a few days ago..I learned that he was a personal trainer, in love with fitness and muscle magazines. Coincidentally, the previous tenant in my apartment was too. I have been receiving body builder magazines since I have been here. I took these magazines sitting on my counter idly and gave him them to read while he was undergoing radiation and chemo. I told him I loved to read, but not that kind of stuff...He laughed.
The other family/patient in the room heard that I loved reading...I asked what they liked to read. They showed me the current book that they were reading, "Unbroken", a previous NYT best seller. The next day, the family member left me a note and two books and the note said it was for me to keep. She finished it and wanted to give it to me.
I am so blessed by my patients.
This, this has all been a reminder of the blessings that I have just from talking with my dad. Thanks, dad. You are more of an inspiration to me than you will ever know.
"Keep on keeping on."
We both will survive.
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