Monday, April 11, 2011


I love my family.
I loved everything about this weekend-- Especially waking up to beautiful weather and the birds chirping. It beats the heck out of honking and the loud music of cars waiting at the red light outside of my bedroom window.
I loved waking up to a cat purring in my ear.
I loved eating Sunday morning breakfast bagels outside on the patio, just talking with my dad and sister while Taz ran around the backyard.
Oh how I long for a green backyard with lots of trees and space to run and play.
Love, love, love.

If you ever want to win me over, buy me an Amazon Gift Card. I think that was my favorite birthday gift...Besides the 10th row center tickets to see Wicked. That was a pretty sweet gift too.

By the way....Indefinitely turned into 2 weeks...But I guess it's okay. Rolling with the punches.

I love Artichoke Pizza. "The" Artichoke Pizza...As in the pizza shop on East 14th Street. You haven't lived until you've clogged your arteries with their gigantic, cream saucy slice of artichoke pizza. If you need the details...You know where to find me.

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