Five days until thanksgiving. Have I mentioned how anxious/excited I am for that day to come? Not just for the food...
I am SO thankful for true friends.
These past two years, I've grown up. A lot. My goal last year was to become less of a pushover. I think I'm still in the process of evolving into a self-sufficient, take-no-crap girl, but I have come such a long way since then. My standards have risen friend-wise, by a lot. I may be near-friendless, but at least I'm not the pushover friend anymore. This is an homage to my true friends. Ones that will be with me forever.

Remember when we were 17 and this picture was taken? Carly and Sam were visiting us, we were at my old house on Prospect Ridge on my old bed, in my old room that so many crazy memories with friends were made in. The night before, we had a hot tub party. We prank phone called people and made frozen margaritas. We drank them out of Senor Frogs' yard glasses, like many nights before that. Remember when we liked the same boys in middle school, which evolved into us liking 'best friends' so we could all hang out in highschool? But before that...Remember when we were Pokemon nerds, but boy crazy at the same time and made up ridiculous songs about them? I have so many amazing memories of us, starting from when I was an 8-year old girl wearing owl-like glasses and you were the new girl in school with the bowl cut. I have so many vivid memories of us. We've been friends for 15 years. Your mom always said we'd be friends forever. I think she was right. We don't talk to eachother everyday anymore, and we see eachother about 5 times a year or less, but how we grew up together and the memories we have will always keep us best friends in my heart.

I never thought I would meet someone so AWESOME at RS yoga night. We both knew nobody, and then we went to the Green Day concert the next morning. I'll always remember our Long Beach outings, Tourist Thursdays, and all the adventures we got ourselves into last summer. This past summer I was sad we didn't get to see eachother, and that's a big regret of mine. But, we both had our preoccupations-- Me studying for my boards, you and your first love. You will always be considered one of my best friends, and I can't wait for you to be in my wedding someday. You are such a great example, you are so smart and you are ALWAYS there for me. I hope you know that goes both ways. Rain or shine, middle of the night or middle of the day, we will always be there for eachother to laugh or cry with. It is a shame we have to live so far away from one another, but hopefully one day that will change. I absolutely love you!
Roni, Steph and Marissa.

I bunched all of you together because we all have so much fun together. It's never a dull moment with the four of us. I remember 2 years ago at Mike's house Steph, Roni and I reunited for the first time in years. We all wore Mike's Mom's bathing suits (oh jeeze) and jumped in the pond. It felt like no time had passed at all. Middle school/highschool with you guys was the absolute best. Parties at my house, canoeing and then sinking the boat in Steph's pond, and jumping off the dock in our underwear like losers...Those were the days.This past May-June, I loved every second with you girls. All of our outings turned into adventures, and the following mornings were hilarious. The Sand Dollar (the thug with dreadlocks....UGH what the heck), Denny's, waking up at Marissa's, my goodbye 'party'/bonfire and our recaps the following morning....I miss it all so much. I miss YOU all so much!!
Sam and Carly.

You guys are the best/craziest, most awesome girls I have ever met. We met in 2002 at ILC...8 years ago. I'm so glad we are still such good friends. Obviously ILC was one of the best times of our lives. You girls were a year younger than me, but taught me probably the most craziest things ever that any of us should have ever known at such a young age (hahah). Nichole and Jesse Gorney, taking deuces, our cabins, weirdo cabin-mates, New Found Glory... Simone, Autumn the stripper counselor...SUCH good times. And my times in Cheltenham? Priceless. I am friends with all of your friends, I'm the town's infamous guest, and the most troublesome. It's my own personal Cancun, my vacation getaway. I need to see you girls soon. COME visit me in NYC. I promise Kevin and I's apartment will be your new 'Cancun' getaway. I love you both...Ahhhh.

(Shay is in the middle)
Shay, you're an honorable mention (but the most honorable of all)...Because our friendship was cut short due to me being lame/you moving to Utah. I sucked as a friend, because of school, because I was lazy, because of depressing events....But I swear if I ever move to Utah, I promise I will be a better friend. You are one of the like two faithful readers of my blog. The limited time we have spent together are memories I'll never forget. You were probably the only friend I'll ever remember from Pennsylvania. Both of us, stuck there, desperate for relief from the boredom. Making that soda, Wii parties at the house you were sitting, the photo shoot (one of the pictures seen above), Red Robin, and our fateful meeting at Institute (which I'm sure we both were dreading that night)...We had a few good times. I really cherished our time we spent together! You are absolutely a great girl of so much worth. I'm glad you are doing well...I hope it only gets better and better for you; You deserve it.

K-Dubs...I have loved you ever since the Kanye Concert in 2008, the faithful beginning of our friendship. I don't think we ever could picture then that we would be As of now, we have 167 fans that follow our lives on East 38th Street in NYC, the city that never sleeps (or for us, that sleeps too much). What amazing lives we live. You are in our apartment right now playing Ke$ha, even though you know I hate her. You deal with my hormones, and I deal with your manic states once a month. You're the best. Thanks for letting your bed become our couch because we are ghetto and don't have one. BOOLAH boolah boolah! That's all I have to say. We'll discuss the extent of our friendship later. Bai.
You are all wonderful. I love you all so much.
Note: this is not including my family/significant others, etc., etc. But you are all special...And I am sure there will be plenty of blogs about you in the future.
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