Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Family Portrait.

This was one of the happiest days of my life.
My graduation day: May 15, 2010.

I never really blogged about how grateful I was for my whole family to be able to come. Not just my mom, or just my dad, because of bitterness. They set it aside their differences, even if it was just for a little bit, and my family was reunited for a day. To this day, thinking about that wonderful, perfect day brings tears to my eyes.

No, this isn't wishful thinking. I know my family will never be the way it was. In fact, I never want to have to go through that pain again. I am just so thankful that after 7 years of a war that felt like it would never end, they are civil towards each other. I think it is one of the greatest things I could ever ask for.

These pictures I will forever cherish. I never imagined I would have a picture of my whole family together when I was 22. A family portrait of a family that was. We will always will be family, even if our Mom and Dad are separate.
My mom is so loved by my dad's side of the family. Unlike me, they wish and pray that my parents would get back together. Whenever they come visit my hometown, they visit my mom. It's wonderful.

Last night, my Mom's sister, whom my dad hadn't seen in over 15 years came into his house uninvited just to give him a hug and say hello. Despite him hurting her sister (my mom), he gave her three children and her last name, and my Mom's sister understands that he was family and always will be to us kids. I talked to my dad about it, thinking he would feel he was intruded upon. Instead, he said, "It was so nice to see her. I was really happy she came in...It was a surprise, but a good one."

This gives me hope. I used to dread the day I'd plan who I'd have to invite to my wedding, and the drama that would be attached to it. How a family war might break out. But now, I know. I think it will be wonderful, just like this day was. I'm so glad I can share these moments with both of my parents.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. You raised a beautiful family.


Anonymous said...

Amy, that was so beautiful, of course it made me cry but I am so happy you had a great Graduation Day with all of us together and I hope your wedding day will be the same. Your Graduation day was beautiful and it was great to be all together and getting all along. I hope you have a good day tomorrow in your new job.. I'm sure you will be a great nurse because I know that you are a very caring person. I Love you so much, Mom xxooxxoo

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Amy, it made me cry obviously but it was a wonderful day when you graduated and I am so proud of you. Love you always and forever, Mom xxooxxoo Good luck with your new job, you will be a great RN.