Four years ago, I met my freshman roommate whom I haven't talked to since December 2006 for reasons that will not be mentioned. We loved eachother at first sight. We met another girl a few doors down named Lynn and we instantly became "best friends". We felt cool because we got invited to a frat party and a lacrosse party the first two nights. We all went, three 18 year old girls who didn't know what the next 4 years would have in store for us.
I attended my first semester at Penn State and aced all of my classes. I'm pretty sure it was the only semester that I read all of my books. Thankfully, because I got into nursing school February 2007 based solely upon my first semester's GPA.
I lived in Ritner Hall, 703. An all girls dorm in Pollock. I was one out of 11,000 freshmen.
It's hard to believe that 4 years ago, I was in my first year of college. Fresh out of high school, still a teenager. Young, naive. Having fun. Not even thinking about where I'd be now.
To be honest, I always thought I'd find the man of my dreams in college.
Unrealistically (looking back now), I figured I'd be ready to be married at the age of 22, and settle down wherever my "future husband" would be going to. I couldn't have been more wrong with my assumptions. It honestly never even crossed my mind that I'd be in New York City. Single (Okay, not married I mean).
Wow. 4 years ago. Bittersweet. The reminiscing started when my still-undergrad friends posted about "syllabus week". It hit me, I'm not there. I'm not taking classes. I was finishing my last class/clinical ever 3 months ago. I've come so far. Not giving up, yet :)
P.S. Do I look any older now as compared to this picture? Be honest.
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