January February, March....What can I say. I grew a lot as a nursing student. I applied/got interviewed for my first internship, which I got and was so excited about. I had best friends for roommates that meant more to me than they'll ever know. We spent our Monday nights watching "Intervention" and feeling like we each needed our own just so we could take a break from life/clinicals. Although I don't really talk to them anymore, they were my saving grace last semester.
In April I turned 21. I felt old, I felt cool even though I was extremely sick. I spent the turn of midnight of my 21st birthday in an embarrassing, extremely loser-like situation. I will not mention this experience here....Kevin and Ali know.
My New Home......And my backyard.
In May, I moved to New York City. I had the most amazing time of my life. May, June and July flew by. I gained a best friend (thanks to relief society yoga night). Lauren will be my best friend forever. I absolutely adore her. I dated a guy for a month that was more confused and lost in life than I was. We had adventures. Life was full of walking the Brooklyn Bridge, tourist Thursdays, making friends, and walking through Times Square every morning to the subway to work on an orthopedics floor that was a love/hate job.

End of an Era...Next.
I was supposed to leave the first of August to go back home, but I fell in love. I absolutely adored the guy. The time we had dating was something I'd never take back. We never fought, it was perfect. But, sometimes life doesn't work out and fragile little hearts like mine are made for breaking. It was unforgettable, though. Jersey Boys, trips to Vermont and Utah, surprises, Washington Square Park...It was an experience I've learned and grown from.
At the beginning of this past semester, I found out that the one field I thought I wanted to go in was absolutely not for me. Critical care = me wanting to cry 24/7. But, I think I found a little niche in pediatric oncology. I don't feel like I'm ready to be a real nurse yet, but hopefully I'll feel better about this next May. I better.
I officially graduate May 15, 2010. I'm so excited for what's ahead of me. I'm looking for jobs currently in New York City and Utah, but my heart is in New York City right now (not because of a boy, duh)....So we'll see.
1 comment:
Its a strange thing how much a life can change in a year.. how about this year we become better friends? I'm not a good friend. But i'm working on it:)
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