Wednesday, October 21, 2009

a LOVE-ly post.

So, my relatively new good friend Shay posted a post about love, and it really got me thinking about the word and what it means. Everyone defines love differently. Herein lies the problem.

These are my thoughts.

I am a very loving person. I give away my love all too easily. I think in general I give way more love than I receive, but I usually don't mind. I love to love. I think some people know a very important saying to me is "All You Need Is Love"....Apparently I was stupid enough to think it would be okay to even tattoo that saying on my foot as a constant reminder (I regret this). But it still has such meaning to me. Love is beautiful, and I'm not just talking about romance kind of love. I have love for my family, friends, patients, dogs, Pepper Ann, the world and most of the people that inhabit it, and most importantly Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love people who don't love me back. I love people who have taken me for granted. But, I still love them.
What hurts the most, in any type of relationship is when someone says they don't know if they love you anymore or if they ever did. Don't say you love someone if you're not 100% sure you mean it. Love is SUCH a strong word. I feel like if you love someone, you will always love them no matter what to some extent. Even if it's in the tiniest place in your heart, your love for that person will always be there. I know that's true for me.

Kind of Love related..
This morning I watched a little 2 year old boy undergo open heart surgery. It was by far one of the most beautiful things I've seen, to witness this little boy's live, beating heart right in front of me (albeit a terrible circumstance). Life is so beautiful. Cherish the life you're given. We all have that heart somewhere inside of us.

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