Friday, September 25, 2009

every girl..

Just so everyone knows.
Every girl has planned in their mind...that they want to be moms, they want to be wives. they want to have babies, and have the perfect family and have the perfect life.
Ever since WE were in middle school, we had THE plan ("we" consisted of my girlfriends and I). We did not want to lose our virginity until AT LEAST senior prom night (that's what the movies told us), we wanted to have football player boyfriends, and we wanted to be high school sweat hearts with whomever we set eyes on.
When we became seniors in highschool, even freshmen in college, we "realistically" decided that before we graduated college we would know. We would absolutely know where we were supposed to go, because that's where our current boyfriend/girlfriend (and potential husband) would be.
Guess what? That didn't work, and as we found out, that wasn't realistic at all.

What do we all do now, girls that have had their hopes up for years?
I say go to Jamaica and become scuba instructors. Drop out of school now before it's too late. Who's with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh gurl i know sexactly wutchu mean gurl.