Friday, April 21, 2017

Onward, 2017.

Maybe I'm back, maybe I'm not.

I have decided after a long hiatus to try to start blogging again.  It used to be such a creative outlet for me.  It was therapeutic.  I want to tell stories again, and be completely blunt and real in the process.

However, I am 350 days and counting away from hitting 30 years old.  Is it appropriate for me to be blogging still?  When I was 26, I started dating a guy who was terrible for me.  It lasted a year and a half, because let's be real, I'm in my 20's and still learning.  Said guy: Let's call him Chicken for anonymity purposes.

Whenever Chicken and I would argue, which was more than a couple ever should (warning sign), he would find reasons to degrade me.  One was this blog.  Whenever we argued, homeboy would say, "Why don't you go home and blog about it, loser?".  He would constantly refer to my blog as something that was dumb, and degrade something that was me in my most vulnerable state, that I happened to be proud of.  Chicken apologized multiple times for bringing down my blog.  He would send a text a few days later saying, "For the record, I love reading your blog, please don't stop writing because of what I said."  But, he kept bringing it up.  And naturally, I got a complex. 

Here I am now, nearing the big 3-0 and I have so many stories to tell.  I have been out of said relationship for almost two years.  Those two years, I learned a lot about myself.  Most important: I think I'm a pretty cool chick.  I think I have amazing, hilarious, heartbreaking stories to tell.  I get told that a lot, too.  

My goal is to showcase a story or two a couple of times a week.  Something I think I've become a quasi-professional of is online dating.    I have had so many first dates that equated to nothing but a great story, and so many dating experiences that turned into an "I don't want a relationship" talk.  Many friends and coworkers I know enjoy these stories.  I end a lot of these stories by saying "Nobody could make these stories up" because seriously, nobody could.

So that is what I will try to do.
Stay tuned, only if you want.