Well, my most loyal follower (aka my little brother) was a little disappointed that I haven't written a blog post all week.
Matt: Why haven't you posted all week?
Me: Because I have no life and absolutely nothing exciting to write about.
Matt: Oh yeah, that's true.
Thank you, Matt for your utmost honesty.
Right now, I'm sitting on my deck in the middle of suburbia, so pumped that it's 92 degrees, not humid and it's breezy. This never happens in New York. It's always so humid.
This backyard is interesting. It's spacious and pretty, but since the development is relatively new, there's not much privacy. I know what most of my neighbors are doing just by sitting out here. I sit out here a lot since I have nothing better to do.
Suburbia. |
The house to my left: Two cute little blonde boys always running around, and I may or may not have a crush on their dad. He doesn't know who I am. He's married. I'm terrible.
The house to my right: A very liberal retired old man. He's always gardening. He is also very liberal- My dad and him had an election war back in 2008. He had Obama signs all over his lawn (I don't even want to get into Obamacare, no way). My dad retaliated by making sure our front yard, windows, etc were covered in McCain signs.
The house in front of me: My brother's old best friend used to live there. A visitor once said she saw the dad walking around the house in his underwear. The kid my brother was friends with once IMed me back in the day and told me he wished he could watch me change through my window. Sorry buddy, blinds are closed.
A few houses down: They have some blow up contraption that their children bounce on. It's weird.
This is voyeurism at its' finest.
I feel like the guy with the broken leg who stalks their neighbors for entertainment in Alfred Hitchcock's movie "Rear Window" -- If you haven't seen it, you're missing out.
Oh, and every summer is "Lawn Wars" season. Whoever keeps their lawn the most green and mowed perfectly through the summer wins. This of course is a silent war. Pretty hilarious though.
Did I mention that I have no life?