Last night....Okay HI one of the best nights of my entire life. I am still in awe.
As if you haven't heard about them from me oh, about a million times.
First, I took the best date ever. Megan and I are concert (and reading, and music, just not politics) soul mates. We used the excuse "we're little and short, help us" and squeezed to the absolute front and center. My purse and hands were on the stage. Eye contact was made with Joy Williams multiple times.
Told ya my hand was on the stage.... |
Let's keep in mind we were the only ones dancing/singing the entire time. And they noticed (that's coming up soon). So yeah, I would post amazing videos I took, if only I could cut my loud voice out. Freaking A.
Also, a first in my extensive concert going history: Two girls during the opening act turned around said "Um, could you girls please be more quiet? We're trying to enjoy the music."
We decided we should be louder.
Milo Greene was the opening band. I had heard good things about them. I did not know that all five of them had such talented, amazing voices -- And that they were all so amazingly good looking, and maybe just maybe one will be my future husband some day. And, interesting tidbit: One of the lead singers, he drives the big white tour van and trailer attached from venue to venue. I saw it with my own eyes.
My future husband has his arm around Megan. Megan's future husband has his arm around me. Oops. |
I can't even explain. |
These two....Simply a guitar and two voices. Amazing chemistry. And voices of literal angels. Hands down, the best concert I have ever been to. On the surface, it sounds just so plain,just a guitar and two people?...But those two can make such powerful music like no others. Oh, chills.....And Joy Williams' pregnant belly made it all the more cuter. UGH the most beautiful concert I have ever been to. I cried.
The finale...'Billie Jean' cover, and Joy Williams' faces were freaking priceless. Most beautiful woman on earth award goes to her.
I told Megan beforehand that I was serious about this concert -- Like, ALL-out stalker status fan. I have never worked so hard to meet a band in my life. I got lost finding the tour bus alleyway even though it was right in front of me, then stood by the tour bus, made friends with 6 other fans and the security guard, and at last at 12:30am they came out (much to Megan's dismay...She was tired, had work the next day, and was sleeping in my car probably irritated, love you girlll).
The 'four of us'.....That baby belly. Love....She is even more gorgeous in person. He looks like Johnny Depp. |
I was the first to meet them. I hugged John Paul White. I hugged Joy Williams. Conversation as follows:
Me: Hey, I'm Amy! I was front row center, I love you guys so much.
J.P.W: I noticed!! (awkward)...He then proceeded to sign my poster. (picture later)
Me: Hey! You are so cute, I'm Amy!
Joy: Nice to meet you, I heard you singing the entire time!
(Is this good or bad....Verdict is still out)
I then continued to tell her I tweet her about her cute outfits all the time...Asked her to sign my poster, don't remember the rest because I was so giddy.
I booked it back to my car because I knew poor Megan was sleeping in my car in an abandoned parking garage.....Running, high on life, in a parking garage....Then I tripped and fell. Ruined my dress, scraped my elbow, bruised my hip. It was literally an intense fall. But it did NOT stop me from still being the happiest girl alive.
Me this morning showing my battle wound. My entire left side is sore from that trip and fall.