Why do years keep flying by?
And...Why do people keep getting older?
Points to ponder.
Anyway. I cannot believe it's 2012.
I got engaged in 2011...Albeit December 17th, but still. The world turned one year older on January 1st at 12 am and I realized, I am getting married this year. Eek! It's been wedding planning galore, and I feel like I've gotten nothing accomplished, but in reality I am trying daily to get things in order. Thank you, Dad for scouting out places for me. I don't think I could do it without you.
I miss home a lot. I miss New York. I miss my co-workers there. Mostly I miss my family though. I'm obviously comparable to a homesick kid at summer camp, except this is one long summer camp trip. Or maybe boarding school is a better comparison. But really. I miss everyone.
My grandma...I am so glad I got to see her the night after I got engaged. It's sad watching people get older. Especially someone you look up to so much. I remember grandma walking us to Nathan's, when she played Pretty Pretty Princess with me while babysitting me in upstate New York (she won). But I am so thankful she is here...78 years young, to be able to see my wedding. I already told her I am naming my first girl after her.
Family is the best...I look like the devil.
Years fly by. People grow up and grow old. But, I am happy. I am happy to have spent the past year with people I love. I am happy I am where I am today, albeit far away from home.
I am happy that I have a job ---I started the night shift last week and am officially nocturnal, but I am still lucky that I have a job at all. And that my coworkers are amazing and fun and so incredibly nice. I am happy for the next step in my life!!
2012 will not be the end of the world ---It will just be the new beginning of something great!!!

The end of a lovely year in NYC.