Monday, October 24, 2011


I've become obsessed with the website Pinterest. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's a lot of fun.

Today, I'm going to try to become ...
More loving.
More understanding.
Less critical.
Less sad.
More happy.
More forgiving.

Just more.

This will be in my house someday.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I still love you, NYC

Just for tonight, I'm allowing myself to miss New York City.

I just found my last used Metro Card and got a little nostalgic.

No, I didn't have a flashy lifestyle, work at a top PR firm (Lauren, I love you!), or live my life based on Carrie from Sex and the City.

Believe it or not, life as a nurse in New York was not glamorous at all (except for the day I was interning when Amy Poehler had her baby..that's about it). I didn't take care of any gang members or see any gun shot wounds. Homeless people, though...That was my specialty.

But I did eat out every day at some delicious places, pay $1200 in rent a month and managed to live debt free in a City that makes that almost impossible. TAKE that, Occupy Wall Street...It CAN happen!!

I will leave you with two things:
1) I don't like looking at gas prices.
2) I want my bodega on the corner back-- the one that was open 24 hours a day, blizzard/hurricane or not and had a cat that I could pet.

Miss You, New York.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Scared Str8.

I've found a new favorite website/photo album. I've been laughing all day. So, in the spirit of Halloween, I present to you: .. You will be laughing your behind off.

A few of my favorites:





Speaking of Halloween...Not looking forward to the back-to-back birthdays:
Ali - October 31st. Twenty-One at last. Forever a devil.
Jackson- November 2nd. He's getting older every year.
Matt- November 4th. 17? No. Refusing to accept that.

'It doesn't matter where you come from, it matters where you go.'
I can't change my past, but I can learn from that and plan my future accordingly! Ya. Profound thought for the day.

Just finished reading: 'Divergent' by Veronica Roth. Thank you Lauren for the suggestion, it was a lovely fast read! Couldn't put it down.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Web Redemption.

Unfortunately this will not be a Tosh.0 post..Bonus points if you get the reference.

(Oh my..So I go into this planning to write a blog to redeem myself for writing that pathetic post last night, only to refer to a freaking TV show. The irony is too good for me to delete my first statement; I live for irony, even if it's foolish.)

I will not be writing about TV is what I'm saying.

On that note, I'm at my new favorite place for free internet -- Farewell Starbucks and the Provo Public Library. I've found the cutest coffee shop in all of Utah (maybe). I think I like it so much because it reminds me of liberal Ithaca. I may be politically conservative (actually conservative in a lot of ways), but I live for the accepting people of Ithaca, the laid back vibe that I get when I'm there. I could go on about how much I miss about Upstate New York, but back to the topic at hand.

This coffee shop is playing all of my favorite music. It has cozy couches, handmade jewelry for sale, board games to play, used books for $2.00.

I will also put out a little bit of controversy -- I just saw my first openly gay couple in Provo, Mormon capitol of the world. Maybe it's from living with a gay guy for a year, but it kind of melted my heart that amidst all of the criticism that they face here, they aren't scared to be who they want to be. It really does take guts.

I guess I miss the diversity that is in New York. At least I found a tiny piece of it at this cute little coffee place. It's called the Coffee Pod, incase any Provo-ans want to know.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Two Letters: T and V.

Why am I starting to love television? Am I getting old?

I talked to my grandma today. She told me it was totally normal and that TV was a great thing to occupy your idle time with. Grandma knows best, right?

TV shows I am loving right now/shows that have just ended.

Weeds. I just can't with that season finale. My anxiety was through the roof. Nancyyyyyy!!

Drop Dead Diva. Jane and Grayson? Yes please......

Dexter...Yes for Christopher C. Hall.

The New Girl...I always thought Zooey Deschanel was a little too trendy, but 'The New Girl' is a little too funny to be a little too trendy.

Pan Am....The time period, the hair/costumes, everything about it I love. Add in Christina Ricci; where has she been all my life?! Her voice is still so beautiful to me.

Modern Family. I know everyone knows about them...Cam and Mitchell, the Dunphy's. I am a big Claire fan. If I could be any mom on TV, I'd be her....Actually, I'd be Nancy Botwin minus the weed selling antics. But still, Claire and Phil. So cute.

I just spent so much time on this blog post. I'm semi-embarrassed.

But apparently , this is what has become of me.