Of a nurse.
(This is what I dreamed of when I was little...?!! But I do love it.)
I work 12 1/2 hour shifts.
I work the night shift, from 8pm to 8am. (so never, ever complain to me that you have to work until 2pm on New Year's Eve..Just dont.)
I have to work weekends and holidays.
Of those 12 1/2 hours, I have an hour and forty five minutes of break. In which I attempt to do nothing (look at facebook, play games, read, finish nursing notes). This is my bliss. These are the things that desk job-people have probably much more time for.
The other 10 3/4 hours I am on my feet continuously (suck it, desk job people). Literally, I have about 5 minutes of downtime. I am constantly doing something. Calling doctors, being a "super"nurse by problem solving old IV pumps, giving injections, IV meds, cleaning up bowel movements, diarrhea ..gross, vomiting (not me although it well could be), attempting to reposition 300 lb patients while only being 1/3 of their weight, listening to a patient's life story (I like that sometimes, when I have time...Basically 3% of the time)...But then I get to joke with patients, help patients cope with their illnesses, deal with patients in their last stages of life. Comfort them....End up really, really caring about them and their families. And then when I get home, pray for them before I go to sleep.
Picture doing this for 8 patients simultaneously, for 10.75 hours in one night.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a waitress...."2 Window wants water, 3 door wants a sandwich, room 5 is thirsty...
Hearing "NURSE, NURSE!!!! I NEED ______" being called out into the hallways by multiple patients in the matter of one or two minutes.
Sometimes I work 3 nights in a row. (ex: these past 3 days). 40 hours, crammed into 3 days.
I am deliriously tired. My nights are your days. My days are your nights. It's impossible to fit myself into someone else's schedule. It's nearly impossible to fit myself/sleep into my own schedule.
*knock on wood* but good thing I have a boyfriend...Because dating would be pretty difficult with this kind of schedule...
I work 12 1/2 hour shifts.
I work the night shift, from 8pm to 8am. (so never, ever complain to me that you have to work until 2pm on New Year's Eve..Just dont.)
I have to work weekends and holidays.
Of those 12 1/2 hours, I have an hour and forty five minutes of break. In which I attempt to do nothing (look at facebook, play games, read, finish nursing notes). This is my bliss. These are the things that desk job-people have probably much more time for.
The other 10 3/4 hours I am on my feet continuously (suck it, desk job people). Literally, I have about 5 minutes of downtime. I am constantly doing something. Calling doctors, being a "super"nurse by problem solving old IV pumps, giving injections, IV meds, cleaning up bowel movements, diarrhea ..gross, vomiting (not me although it well could be), attempting to reposition 300 lb patients while only being 1/3 of their weight, listening to a patient's life story (I like that sometimes, when I have time...Basically 3% of the time)...But then I get to joke with patients, help patients cope with their illnesses, deal with patients in their last stages of life. Comfort them....End up really, really caring about them and their families. And then when I get home, pray for them before I go to sleep.
Picture doing this for 8 patients simultaneously, for 10.75 hours in one night.
Sometimes I feel like I'm a waitress...."2 Window wants water, 3 door wants a sandwich, room 5 is thirsty...
Hearing "NURSE, NURSE!!!! I NEED ______" being called out into the hallways by multiple patients in the matter of one or two minutes.
Sometimes I work 3 nights in a row. (ex: these past 3 days). 40 hours, crammed into 3 days.
I am deliriously tired. My nights are your days. My days are your nights. It's impossible to fit myself into someone else's schedule. It's nearly impossible to fit myself/sleep into my own schedule.
*knock on wood* but good thing I have a boyfriend...Because dating would be pretty difficult with this kind of schedule...
Speaking of my boyfriend, I am pretty smitten with him right now. We have been dating for 6 months. One half of a year. AKA FOREVERRrrrr. Haha just kidding. It went by so fast, though.