I got my homework done today (I feel like a little kid saying that), so I decided to go on Pandora.com . I suggest you DON'T go on this site unless you have hours to spend. I'm in love with music. You type in a song or artist, and they create a "radio station" for you that plays all music similar to the artist/song. It's beautiful, it makes me so excited to discover a new band.
I listen to The Kooks when I feel good, I listen to the Damien Rice station when I'm feeling mellowed out (okay, a lot of his songs are depressing, but the endings of his songs are SO powerful....So worth it to get through the sad parts.....LOVE "Lonelily". reminds me of my life right now). It also made me remember how much I missed Jack Johnson ("Dreams be Dreams"). Forgive me for talking about music. I just love it.
"her dreams are dreams,
all this living is so much harder than it seems
but girl don't let your dreams be dreams...
you know this living is not so hard as it seems,
dont let your dreams be dreams ... "
"I gave me away
I could have knocked off the evening
But I was lonelily looking for someone to hold.
In a way I lost all I believed in,
And I never found myself so alone.
And you let me down.
You could've called if you'd needed,
But you lonelily got yourself locked in instead
And you let me down"

all this living is so much harder than it seems
but girl don't let your dreams be dreams...
you know this living is not so hard as it seems,
dont let your dreams be dreams ... "
"I gave me away
I could have knocked off the evening
But I was lonelily looking for someone to hold.
In a way I lost all I believed in,
And I never found myself so alone.
And you let me down.
You could've called if you'd needed,
But you lonelily got yourself locked in instead
And you let me down"